Jun 13, 2009 01:36

Characters: Zhang He and willing participants~
Content: Tea time to anyone who wants to hop in~.
Setting: The deck, of course~/
Time: NINE IN THE Afternoon
Warnings: Butterfly wings. There's no going back. NOT TOO GOOD.
Once you click it's too late. )

≠ cirucci thunderwitch, ≠ raidou kuzunoha, zhang he, ≠ hitsugaya toshirou, ≠ the disreputable dog, ≠ kazuki fuuchouin, ≠ john watson

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thirdshiner June 13 2009, 23:33:26 UTC
The Dog had been sunning herself in a secluded corner of the deck - it was a perfect day for a lazy sunbathe, after all. From the corner of one half-closed eye, she watched Zhang He setting up.

At first she assumed the wings on his back were some sort of illusion from being viewed upside-down and squinting, but as they didn't seem to disappear after she blinked a few times, that was probably not the case. Very odd, even for the impression she'd already formed of Zhang He being...well, odd. Oh, she could grow wings herself if she felt like it, but that was when she wanted to fly somewhere, not sit in the sun and drink tea ( ... )


butterflyjades June 14 2009, 02:49:27 UTC
Hearing the voice he looked around a few times, blinking before spotting the dog. He remembered her! She was kind enough to help with the painting, which in his book made her likable. At the odd question he couldn't help but to laugh softly, shaking his head. "No, no. They're quite fake I assure you~. These beautiful things are merely accessories."


thirdshiner June 14 2009, 22:38:21 UTC
The Dog sat down on the deck, looking up at him, her gaze still rather bemused - more at what possible reason he could have for wearing the things, than at what they were.

"I suppose they are rather pretty. They don't work, then?"

That was no fun at all.


butterflyjades June 15 2009, 00:26:42 UTC
"Of course not~. But they are beautiful enough to wear, right?" He smiles and poured one of the glasses with tea for her. There was no reason she couldn't have any after all.

"Would you like some tea~?"


thirdshiner June 15 2009, 01:47:50 UTC
She lifted a back paw to scratch at her ear, before answering. "Certainly, though I'd think they'd get caught on things?"

Her ears perked up at the sight of him pouring the tea. It might get a little messy trying to drink from a glass - saucers were always easier - but they were outdoors, it shouldn't be much of a problem. "Ooh, yes please!" she answered, with an appreciative wag of her tail.


butterflyjades June 15 2009, 03:29:03 UTC
"Should I place it on the ground for you or..." He was still confused as to how this dog worked, honestly.

"Once they did but it was a trick done on purpose whilst I was trying them on, as you can imagine." A small laugh and he shook his head. "But today is a bay for beauty!"


thirdshiner June 15 2009, 17:39:53 UTC
"That would be wonderful, thankyou," the Dog said, grinning and continuing to wag her tail. "I could get up on the chair and drink it from the table, but it would be awkward, and it looks rather undignified, too."

She didn't particularly care about dignity if it conflicted with comfort, but on a matter like this the two went hand-in-hand.

"It is a beautiful day," she hazarded, in response to Zhang He's last comment. She wasn't entirely sure what he meant by 'a day for beauty' - things were beautiful or not on any day - but it seemed like a safe enough comment.


butterflyjades June 15 2009, 22:08:43 UTC
He smiled and leaned down to place the tea cup on the boards, laughing softly. "Alright then~. Enjoy."

Again he thought for a moment before sighing softly. "You know, in all honesty you're the first speaking animal I've met."


thirdshiner June 17 2009, 21:11:48 UTC
She was quite willing to get on and enjoy it - and most of it did end up in her mouth, and she didn't quite knock the cup over...

"Mmm?" The Dog looked up from the task of dealing with the teacup at Zhang He's comment. "You know, a lot of people say that. I'm a bit of a special snowflake, I suppose?"


butterflyjades June 21 2009, 03:26:37 UTC
Zhang He was amused by the act, but all the same impressed. It was quite a feat, seeing as the dog did lack thumbs as it was.

"A special snowflake? I suppose I can see why they would~. Though the same can be said about me."


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