
Mar 30, 2009 22:12

Characters: Komachi and [OPEN]
Content: Komachi wants a birthday party. You want to come. Don't you?
Setting: A spare room near the 4423 kitchens
Time: Early evening, 30th of March.
Warnings: Hopefully, none.

cake or death? )

≠ komachi, hiyori sarugaki, ≠ yojimbo mifune, jenka, penelo galbana, dimo, ≠ zack fair, ≠ heihachi hayashida, ≠ utena tenjou

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Comments 56

penny_dancer March 30 2009, 21:25:03 UTC
Penelo easily found the room where Komachi was holding her party (really, the small trail of floury footsteps was enough). She carried the package with the slingshot and looked around for the birthday girl.

Ah, by the cake. Naturally. "Happy birthday, Komachi!"


komachibi April 5 2009, 15:00:39 UTC
Komachi looked up, waving enthusiastically at Penelo. "Hello! Would you like some cake?"
She glanced as casually as possible at the parcel in Penelo's hand, attempting to examine it surreptitiously without looking as if she was as interested in that as in the girl carrying it.


penny_dancer April 5 2009, 15:02:14 UTC
"What kind of cake is it?"

Penelo had dealt with young kids and birthdays before, so she handed off the present to Komachi. "Hope you like it." The slingshot was in great condition and she'd even found ammo. Hopefully Komachi would like it...


komachibi April 5 2009, 15:18:57 UTC
"There's a few. Chocolate and plain and I tried lemon but I don't think it worked..."

Distracted by the presentation of the gift, she stopped talking, grinning up at Penelo as she opened it. "Awesome!"
She turned the slingshot over in her hands a couple of times, looking admiringly at it. Oh, she was going to have some fun with this...

"Didn't think this'd be the sort of thing you'd have around..."


Both, of course! Cake and death together is the best! ^_^ theschmotone March 30 2009, 22:00:23 UTC
About time that they had a party on this ship! Besides the get-togethers that he and his fellow Jagers had, of course. That wouldn't necessarily be all that much fun for outsiders. One drink of some of the stuff that Dimo kept stored away for his friends would make a normal human very, very sick, and even more regretful that they'd been stupid enough to have some in the first place. Now granted, this was Komachi's party, so he knew that there probably wouldn't be any fights or anything, it still sounded promising.

Dimo's keen sense of smell picked up the scent of cakes wafting down the hall from the room where the party was being held. They twitched a bit when he realized that some of them were more than a little singed, but still walked through the door with a smile on his face, his violin case in one hand a box that had been wrapped with suprising skill for a Jager in the other. "Explodey cake iz de best kind!" he said cheerfully when he saw Komachi, presenting her with the gift.


komachibi April 5 2009, 15:07:32 UTC
Okay, he was just saying that, wasn't he? "It wasn't that explodey," Komachi protested cheerfully, trotting over towards Dimo and taking the present from him happily. "Ooh, thankyou!"

She clung onto it for a minute without opening it, waving a hand at the table behind her. "Do you want some cake? There's...'splodey chocolate, un-splodey chocolate, plain one with jam in..."

Her list of cakes trailed off as she let curiosity get the better of her, starting to rip the paper off the box Dimo had given her.


theschmotone April 5 2009, 19:41:40 UTC
"I vould love zome cake, thenk hyu," Dimo said with a smile that was only a little dangerous. He could smell the chocolate from here, and the scent was wonderful, indeed. Taking a plate, he proceeded to serve himself a piece of each.

Having had younger sisters in the distant past, Dimo was pretty certain that he knew what would make a good birthday present for someone who was just turning 10 like Komachi was. He'd gotten out his pens and ink, along with some good paper, and drawn a set of paper dolls during his free time. There were two dolls, both young ladies modestly attired in corsets and bloomers, and easily a dozen outfits between the two of them. Each outfit was either an example of historical dress or a different regional costume that Dimo had seen in his travels, and each one was complete, in true Jager fashion, with a matching hat and a weapon or two.


komachibi April 5 2009, 23:00:44 UTC
Komachi spared a glance for Dimo's cake-gathering, before turning back to the box, the contents of which quickly had her staring in wide-eyed admiration.

She didn't play often with dolls, but these were really something to be treasured, she thought. "Wow, they're beautiful! Did you make them?"


fanged_brat March 31 2009, 01:38:29 UTC
Hiyori, bored and unable to find her bowl-cut toting punchbag to pick on, was out and about on the ship. While she may look a little aimless, she heard the birthday party invitation and decided to head down to it ( ... )


/took way to long, because it's so hard to write social!Jenka! causink_trouble April 4 2009, 02:04:46 UTC
Jenka had been hearing faint noises from the general direction of the kitchen every once in a while throughout the day. Most of them sounded far more interesting than cooking usually did. She hadn't been planning on joining the party, but judging by the preparations, it might turn out more fun than she thought. Curious, the Jäger set off to investigate after finishing her watch.

Several people were in the room already, none of them looking particularly exploded-on. Jenka gave the gathering a disappointed look, but decided to come in and at least have some cake. The chocolate one did smell really nice. In fact, there was a whole table covered with cakes and other sweets - with a very satisfied Komachi standing between it and the growing pile of gifts. Jenka gave the girl a wave, which was markedly lacking the standard 'happy birthday' - or a present, for that matter. Deciding Komachi had enough other people to talk to, the Jäger looked around for someone unlikely to be overly cheerful. Not easy to do at a birthday party, but she ( ... )


That's cool! =D Hiyori isn't easy to make social either. B) fanged_brat April 4 2009, 02:46:56 UTC
Hiyori, upon entering, had done the usual Happy Birthday spiel and left the little gift in the pile where the rest of them were. After that, she'd gone back to being her usual, scowly, glary, mean-looking self, but she'd remained in the party-room all the same. She intended to stay just long enough to be polite, but not so long that it would get uncomfortable. Nice as the little powder-monkey was, she was still a kid and Hiyori had trouble acting properly around children. She just wasn't cut out for that being nice stuff.

When she was approached by a crew-member that she knew in passing but had never spoken to, she didn't bother to put on a friendly face. It wasn't that she looked mean or angry at being joined by her, it's just that she didn't make the effort of pulling on a smile that would only end up being a mean little sneer anyway.

"I ain't seen any explosions while I've been in here, but... it kinda looks like everybody missed a lot of 'em earlier on." And, in reference to the cake, she added: "I ain't tried it yet." She eyed ( ... )


causink_trouble April 4 2009, 19:40:48 UTC
No smiling here. Yes, the girl was definitely a good choice. Even if she did lack any information on the cake. "I'z goink to try some, before Dimo eats all ov it!" Jenka grabbed a plate and heaped it with pieces of everything she could find on the table, with extra helpings of chocolate balancing on top of the pile. Clearly Dimo wasn't the only one likely to exhaust the supply of sweets.

After taking a bite of fudge, the Jäger sharply turned her attention to her companion. All the cooking scents confused the air, but even so, the girl smelled different. She eyed her up and down, noticing the small movements. Yes, different. It was only barely visible when she stood still, but Jenka had a feeling the girl was much more dangerous than she looked. She certainly had the attitude to go with it.

Not one for small-talk, she asked the question directly, not even bothering to learn the girl's name first. Her tone was calm, if not casual, but her voice was just low enough not to be picked up by anyone around them who was human. "So, vhat are ( ... )


Death, please! ...No, wait... I... I meant cake! rose_beyond March 31 2009, 06:22:02 UTC
Utena wasn't usually big on parties, but she liked Komachi a lot. Besides, pirate birthday parties were a far cry from the pretentious social events she'd been wrangled into attending once or twice back at school. And she liked Komachi, so it seemed right to show up, say hi, mingle a bit with the crew...

She just wished that she'd had a little more chance to find her young friend a proper gift. At least she'd been able to find something in her personal belongs to give, and wrapped it up in a little box.

"Happy birthday, Komachi," she greeted as she entered.


komachibi April 5 2009, 15:15:11 UTC
"Hi! And thanks!" Komachi answered, smiling over at Utena.
Glancing down at the slice of cake she'd just cut for herself, she quickly - and carefully, she'd almost certainly get in trouble for taking the knife anyway, let alone if she then cut herself with it - cut off another slice for Utena.
She hurried across the room towards the older girl, holding out one of the two plates. "Cake?"


lonewolfnwitch March 31 2009, 10:47:30 UTC
Mifune had missed her time in the kitchen; he had been off duty at the time. But he could hardly fail to notice the trail of flour leading out of his kitchen and into a nearby room. He'd have to clean that up, or the captain would give him hell for sure.

First, though, he was going to determine the source of the mess. He cracked open the door and looked inside.

"Oh," he said, easily putting two and two together. "You must be the birthday girl."


komachibi April 5 2009, 15:10:54 UTC
Komachi looked over at the sound of the door opening, blinking slightly at the sight of Mifune. He didn't look at all happy...



lonewolfnwitch April 5 2009, 16:03:14 UTC
Mifune dropped down to a crouch, putting himself on the same level as Komachi. "Well, happy birthday," he said. His voice did not significantly change tone.

He looked past her at the cakes and other party foods on the table behind her. "Did you make all of those?"


komachibi April 5 2009, 23:03:16 UTC
Still not looking too friendly... Komachi smiled her most winning smile at him. "Thanks! As yeah, I did..." A hint of pride crept into her voice - she'd put a lot of work into those cakes.


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