
Mar 30, 2009 22:12

Characters: Komachi and [OPEN]
Content: Komachi wants a birthday party. You want to come. Don't you?
Setting: A spare room near the 4423 kitchens
Time: Early evening, 30th of March.
Warnings: Hopefully, none.

cake or death? )

≠ komachi, hiyori sarugaki, ≠ yojimbo mifune, jenka, penelo galbana, dimo, ≠ zack fair, ≠ heihachi hayashida, ≠ utena tenjou

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penny_dancer March 30 2009, 21:25:03 UTC
Penelo easily found the room where Komachi was holding her party (really, the small trail of floury footsteps was enough). She carried the package with the slingshot and looked around for the birthday girl.

Ah, by the cake. Naturally. "Happy birthday, Komachi!"


komachibi April 5 2009, 15:00:39 UTC
Komachi looked up, waving enthusiastically at Penelo. "Hello! Would you like some cake?"
She glanced as casually as possible at the parcel in Penelo's hand, attempting to examine it surreptitiously without looking as if she was as interested in that as in the girl carrying it.


penny_dancer April 5 2009, 15:02:14 UTC
"What kind of cake is it?"

Penelo had dealt with young kids and birthdays before, so she handed off the present to Komachi. "Hope you like it." The slingshot was in great condition and she'd even found ammo. Hopefully Komachi would like it...


komachibi April 5 2009, 15:18:57 UTC
"There's a few. Chocolate and plain and I tried lemon but I don't think it worked..."

Distracted by the presentation of the gift, she stopped talking, grinning up at Penelo as she opened it. "Awesome!"
She turned the slingshot over in her hands a couple of times, looking admiringly at it. Oh, she was going to have some fun with this...

"Didn't think this'd be the sort of thing you'd have around..."


penny_dancer April 5 2009, 15:24:54 UTC
"I won it at a fair a while back," explained the medic. "Just...don't shoot anybody like Greed or the captain, okay?"

That gleam in her eye was worrisome.


komachibi April 5 2009, 15:56:49 UTC
Komachi shuddered dramatically. "No-o. They're scary."

The list of people she would be shooting at wasn't terribly long - the majority of the crew were either her friends or too intimidating for her to want to risk firing pellets at them.

...assuming they could tell it was her. Some stealth missions might be in order, should the occasion arise.


penny_dancer April 5 2009, 16:10:43 UTC
Smart girl. Penelo smiled again and helped herself to some of the chocolate cake. It was actually edible.

"So, you're ten, right?"


komachibi April 5 2009, 18:06:47 UTC
"I am!" She sounded very proud of the fact, as indeed she was. For most of her life so far, ten - double digits! - had been the next big milestone on the route to being grown-up. She felt as if she was almost an adult already.

"Do you like the cake?" she asked, eagerly, as Penelo essayed a bite.


penny_dancer April 5 2009, 18:07:44 UTC
Penelo swallowed her bite. "Very good, but how much chocolate did you put in this stuff?"


komachibi April 5 2009, 22:58:07 UTC
"A lot!" was Komachi's cheerful answer. You could never really have too much chocolate, right?


penny_dancer April 5 2009, 23:30:48 UTC
Typical ten-year-old answer. At least it tasted good.

"I'm sure the crew is going to love it, as long as they can have their alcohol," Penelo joked.


komachibi April 5 2009, 23:40:51 UTC
"Alcohol?" A troubled look crept across Komachi's face. "I forgot everyone likes that!"

She looked around, flustered, as if some might materialize. She felt guilty now - wasn't it selfish only to bring the things she liked?


penny_dancer April 5 2009, 23:49:01 UTC
Whoops, maybe she shouldn't have mentioned it.

"Don't worry," Penelo said. "Hopefully they'll have manners and not drink at your party." Well, not likely. But maybe.


komachibi April 6 2009, 00:12:16 UTC
"But! If they want to, they should! Parties are about having fun, right?"


penny_dancer April 6 2009, 00:16:54 UTC
...Darn, sometimes Penelo forgot how straightforward younger kids were.

"Do you want me to go get some really fast, Komachi?" she asked. "I don't think the Captain or Winry would like if you raided the liquor stores."


komachibi April 6 2009, 00:53:31 UTC
Komachi brightened, grinning up at Penelo. "Would you? I don't think they would either, but I really want everyone to have fun!"


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