Bahamas pics, 2 of 3

Jan 08, 2011 20:27

Part 1, here

Ok, time for the next set of Bahamas photos! These ones start off when we got to the waterfront of downtown Nassau to catch a water taxi over to Atlantis. I didn't take too many pics from the boat on the ride there, because I didn't have an open window next to me, and didn't have much opportunity for good photo-ops, but I did take a ton on the way back. Anyways, these start at the docks! A few street-photo types, a few casino pics, and some scenery in this batch.

One of the several guys we saw selling conch shells along the waterfront. It seems they go out and collect them, poke a hole in the shell to remove the conch, and then sell the shells for $5. I wanted one, but not a holey one, so I didn't end up buying one in the end. I didn't get a picture of it, but later, on our way back from Atlantis, I don't remember if it was this guy or someone else, but there was a duo selling fresh conch salad. They took the conchs they'd collected, pulled out the meat right there, cleaned it up, and chopped it up along with tomatoes, onions, and bell peppers, as well as seasoning and citrus juice, and sold it like that. My friends liked it a lot, though I didn't eat any because I avoid eating invertebrates. But that's why the shells were all holey, 'cause they were selling the ones from the conchs they'd used for the salad!

This was the water taxi we took over. (Uhh, the one with the people on it. Not the Jolly Roger 2.) It was almost full when we got to it, which is probably why I didn't have a good seat for taking pics. I was inside, next to a dingy window. Drat!

I did like the view of the anchor, though. Dunno why!

Captain. (I totally wanna get a Captain's license, so I can make people call me Cap'n Jennifer.)

Once we'd landed, I took this picture at another conch shell/sea star seller booth. I should've bought one of his shells, since he'd fixed them up for making them into horns! Ah, hindsight.

Coconuts! :D Now, we have palm trees around here, and plenty of them, but we actually live too far north for coconut palms. I was thrilled that all the palm trees down in the Bahamas had coconuts on them! Probably because I am a dork. :U

This was the entrance to the little shopping village right before Atlantis. It was verrrrrry touristy! I almost felt like I was at the Caribbean resort in Disney World again! XD

Seriously, it could've been disney, just without the branding.

Ah, the yachts. And a view of part of Atlantis through the yachts. I wanted to hang out at the casino and meet some yacht owners and ingratiate myself with them. But alas, I did not. T_T;

Atlantis is a pretty large, sprawling place. Lots of cool buildings!

More Atlantis.

Moar Atlantis.

A little bit of yacht (both the Lady Sheila and the Lady Sheila 2 were docked right there) and even more Atlantis.

This was a cool thing inside the lobby once we were finally inside, and right before we got into the casino.

Casino! :D I was excited, this was the first time I'd ever been in one. I played some slots, and some roulette! Lost a little bit of money (not much), but I was too excited to really care. XD;

Another artsy glass structure, this one in the casino itself. After this photo, I went ahead and put up my camera, since casino staff doesn't take too kindly to cameras. Lame! :'(

Ok, back outside, and on our way back to the water taxi area (it was about a 5-10 minute walk from Atlantis) I got another shot of the rather impressive buildings. It's a huge place, and it's too bad it probably costs an arm, leg, and one of each of the paired organs to stay there, or I'd like to do it myself!

The high rise bridge near the water taxi area. I think it connects the island of Nassau to Paradise Island.

Just a view of the water taxi waiting area from the boat we were leaving on.

Colorful resort buildings! I never did find out if they were part of Atlantis, or separate. I wouldn't mind living there, though. XD

Oh look, more Atlantis! O:

Boat! I actually took this photo because my family used to own a boat about that size, and it reminded me of going out deep sea fishing when I was a kid. :B

And one last photo of Atlantis as we were leaving it behind. If I ever go back, I'll definitely have to visit the aquarium and water park they have! And go hang out at the casino some more and try to become the "good luck charm" for some wealthy idiot. I mean, uhh, aquarium. Yeah. XD;

Ok, that's it for part two! The next part will have even more pics from the water taxi, a few street shots, and then a few last images from inside a speeding bus. I'll try to get that post up tomorrow! Thanks for looking! ♥

[Edit] Go to Part 3!

photos, bahamas, incoherent babble

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