Bahamas pics, 1 of 3

Jan 08, 2011 09:56

Ok, I decided to go with three posts total. I guess my main reason for wanting to split up the posts (besides trying to avoid too much tl;dr) is that some people still have issues loading too many images at once, and I don't exactly post small-size photos. I always save my stuff at the highest jpg level available. :U

Anyways, I'll start out by saying that I don't really think I got so many scenic pictures as I probably should've. :B Really, though I was there for a few days, I didn't have many opportunities to take non-wedding pics. The first day, the 30th, I got there and was dead tired from my inability to sleep the previous afternoon, and then my 1am excursion on a 5-hour road trip to get to the airport. Once I'd checked in, but still had no room to go to, I went and napped for a while, then finally got into my room, but then I had to go to the rehearsal dinner, where I took pics there. The next day, the 31st, was the wedding & reception, and I spent all day doing that, and nighttime we stayed at the hotel for the celebrations there, but I didn't take my camera to that, because it was a New Years party and I didnt' want to have to deal with it.

The 1st was the only day I really had free, and I took some pics on our way to Atlantis (the huge hotel/casino) but wasn't really allowed to take pictures inside. I took a few more on the way back, and again didn't take my camera with me at nighttime that night. I don't much care for taking flash pics, you know? And then the 2nd, I had to get ready to leave and go to the airport. I didn't really do any sightseeing, and didn't do much in the way of touristy things. Maybe I'll go back some day and do that stuff, yes? XD

Ok, enough intro, here are some pics. A few scenery, a few street-photo types. O:

So this is one of the first pics I took, and was taken from our bus to the resort. It's hard to take photos while they're careening around curves! @_@

That's my house, y'all. :U

Just a little gazebo I managed to catch on camera as we flew by. There are speed limits, but I think everyone pretty much disregards them. Oh, and this was my first time being somewhere where they drive on the wrong left side of the road, and it was pretty creepy going through roundabouts on the left, and second-guessing which way to look when you're trying to cross the street, and SEEING TRAFFIC BARRELLING TOWARD YOU FROM THE RIGHT LANE.

Where we stayed~ This place is one where you pay your fees, and then everything's included. Food, drinks, drinks, and various entertainments. There were a lot of wasted people around. XD

Just a stupid pic I took of the curtains blowing in the wind in my friend's room, before I napped. It's safe to say my brain was pretty much non-functional at the time.

View of the pool area from Melissa's balcony. You can see the swim-up bar and it's stools! I wanted to do that, but the pool water was too cold. :'(

More pretty beach & ocean water.

And more. You can see the pool grill, and the long line of people getting food from it.

Now this was the view from my sliding glass door. XD;

You know, I never did get into that hammock. :\

The beach was just around the corner from my hammock-view, and this was from when I wandered around a bit after finally getting into my room.

And another of the view and the pretty blue water.

Now this was from the wedding day, and I'm pretty sure I only took this photo as a test shot for lighting, but what the hell. Pool bar. :U

This is where the wedding was actually held. There are a few guests there already, here. The gazebo was actually visible from my hotel room, too. All I had to do was walk out the back door to get there! :B

Just a shot of cake + bouquet + champagne.

Ok, another view of the pool area. I took this from the balcony of where the reception was being held.

Now this is from our trip out to Atlantis on the 1st. Just walking along the streets after taking a bus downtown, I snapped a few pics here and there. I think this is a police station? I dunno.

Street shot. There are lots of little shops set up to entice tourists.


A couple people still in their Junkanoo costumes from the parades earlier. Unfortunately, we didn't get out early enough to see the parades. :(

Another Junkanoo display.

Hahaha, expect nothing. XD I just liked the look of the front of this building.

A man selling carvings along the back edge of the Straw Market. We didn't go into the market area itself, we were just passing by on our way to the docks to catch a water taxi.

And that's it for this post! Next post will have pics I took while on the water taxi to Atlantis, the few pics I managed to snag inside Atlantis, and probably will start on the pics I took on the way back from Atlantis. But I'll post that later today, or whenever I feel like typing a whole bunch again. Right now, I need to go imbibe some coffee and eat some foods! Ta!

[Edit] Go to Part 2!

photos, bahamas, incoherent babble

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