It's me again - intro post

Jan 19, 2011 12:27

Hey :) Sorry - I know I just posted! I realised that my intro post is very out of date and I've had a few new friends recently so I've written another one out here. Obviously, it's for new and old friends :)

My name's Megan and I'm from Newcastle, England. I'm currently studying and taking exams in English Literature, English Language and History. I eventually want to be a teacher and write my own novels. I also help out at the local Brownie pack and this year I’m training to become an official, warranted leader which is fun :)

One of my favourite things to do is read. I’m a real bookworm, although I don’t get the chance to pick up a book as often as I would like at the moment. I’m into all sorts of genres and authors and I’m always looking for new kinds of books to try. I also love to write - it’s something that has always been quite a big part of my life and, right now, I help out at a creative writing group for students ages 11-15. I’m really hoping to find a group to join for myself soon, too.

I've been reading and writing fanfiction for quite a long time now. A friend introduced me to it and I got hooked. I do quite a bit of beta-reading too, which I really, really enjoy so if any of you ever need someone to beta something I’m always willing to help. My main fandoms are Supernatural (including RPS) and Leverage but I’ve also been known to dabble in the Oceans 11 fandom. I also co-mod the teddy_ian  community for the pairing from 90210.

At the moment, I’m mainly writing fanfiction and I’ve been taking part in a few challenges. I’m posting my spnslashbigbang  fic on February 15th and I’ve also signed up for spn_j2_bigbang  for the first time which is exciting :) I have a lot of other things on the go aswell, including a SPN casefic and some prompt fics for some of my flist. My big writing aim this year is to try new things and, so far, that’s going pretty well.

My family is very, very important to me so I talk about them quite a lot. I live with my Mum, little sister, my Grandma and Grandad and my golden retriever, Kizzie. We’re pretty dysfunctional in the sense that we live with my grandparents but we’re all close.

I think that’s it. There’s probably other things that I’ve forgotten, though, so if you have any questions then go ahead and ask (that goes for old friends as well as new!)

So yeah, now it’s your turn :) Tell me something about yourself, even if it’s just one random fact.

Oh, it's also worth mentioning that I have Twitter here. Just let me know who you are so I can accept you as a follower :) And I also have AIM, my username is MTheron09 if anyone wants to talk.

intro, friends, about me

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