Insert witty line here.

Jan 19, 2011 11:20

Hey :)

- Happy Birthday bree_black  - I hope you have a really awesome, awesome day!

- Welcome to my new friendssheryden , melodious329  and steeleblue  - I'm looking forward to getting to know you all :) In case you're interested, my intro post is here. It is a bit out of date, though, as it doesn't even mention Leverage which I love! And, just in case, my fic masterpost is here.

-Letter Meme Day 7 - Your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush

Haha, well, there's only really one ex-boyfriend to write to.

Hi J,

Just so you know, it really isn't cool to dump someone by text, especially when it's that person's first relationship.



-Mum and I are going to go into town on Friday and have lunch and go shopping :) We're also going to go to the library because I need a new card and it's probably a good time to get one so that I don't end up spending a fortune on books for this history coursework. I'm also going to try and get a few other books (that are for enjoyment, rather than work stuff) to read. It's not that I don't find the history books interesting because I do, it's just that I haven't read a book just for me in so, so long!

-I'm going to do some more work now and then maybe spend an hour writing before I have to go back in for English Language at two.

friends, lettermeme, real life, birthday

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