Hi, I'm Megan. I talk a lot.

Jan 18, 2011 13:46

Hey :) So, this post got pretty long so I'll try to put some of it behind cuts so it doesn't take over your friends pages!

So, yesterday's exam didn't go so well. The first question was quite strange and it threw me off a bit, I think. The second question was better but I'm not sure whether I did enough to improve upon the last grade. I kind of think my writing style was better and I focused more on form, structure and language this time around but I still came out of it feeling like it didn't go well. I guess I'll just have to wait for the results (which I should get in March.)

On a more positive exam note, I only have one to go now! (Until the summer, anyway.) The next one is on Monday and it's another English Literature paper - it's two and a half hours long and focuses on 'Love Through the Ages.' I'm not really sure how that one's going to go because this is the first time our school has entered candidates for it in January rather than waiting until the summer. I feel prepared for it but it might just turn out that we haven't had enough time to cover the work in as much detail. I can re-sit in the summer if I need to, though.

I'm spending this afternoon catching up on my coursework and homework - I need to try and stay on top of things from now on. I managed to order four history books to read yesteday for just 15 pence! (The postage cost about six pounds though!) So, I've already got three books to read and then those should be arriving soon. I don't think I'll have to read them all cover to cover - for some of them only a couple of chapters are relevant for the course. The stuff I'm doing this afternoon is all English Language; I'm trying to finish off my analysis as much as I can so that, once I've tracked down a few books, I can just bring those references into what I already have written.

Huh, I've talked about exams and school quite a lot again - sorry! I haven't done any more to my spn_j2_bigbang  fic yet, although I have been thinking about a few more ideas. Like I've said before, I'm going to try and get most of it written next month. How are you guys getting on with it? What are you planning to write?

I've also started researching a casefic that I want to write (with the help of redtapestry !) I kind of a had a moment where I wanted to change and do the casefic for my big bang fic but I think I want to spend more time researching and really getting it right, plus I love my J2 AU idea so I'm going to stick with that :D I've started work on some of those prompt fics, too :) I'm going to say that this is the last chance for anyone else who wants to leave a prompt this time around.

Hmm, the news has just mentioned the whole EMA thing. For those of you not in the UK, that's Educational Maintenance Allowance that gets given to students from lower income families to help pay for their education and, basically, it might be getting stopped. It won't really affect me but it will affect my little sister. I've heard lots of students at my school who don't get EMA say that it doesn't get spent on books, travel to school etc anyway but I think that it lots of cases it does. For example, I'm using my EMA money to pay for those history books and, without it, I wouldn't have been able to pay for all of the re-sits. One of my friends needs the EMA to travel to school. I hope they decide to keep it or at least to introduce some sort of an alternative. Anyway, there's my political comment for the year!

Okay, I think I'll finish with the letter meme - it's kind of a strange one this time:

Day Six - A Stranger


A few things you should know about me:

1- I'm fiercely protective of my family. I'll always choose them over you.

2- I love books. They're the way to my heart :D

3-I should be doing my English coursework right now.

Nice to meet you :D

friends, lettermeme, exams, real life, bigbang2011, writing, prompts, megan gets political

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