Letter Meme Day 8 - Your favourite internet friend

Jan 20, 2011 15:18

 Letter Meme Day 8- Your favourite internet friend

Okay, so I couldn't choose just one person here so, erm, there are quite a few letters. Some of you might realise who these are directed at.


You're my oldest internet friend and you're the one who introduced me to Supernatural so, yeah, thanks for that :) I'm really glad that we've stayed friends all this time and I hope we stay friends for many more years in the future! We've beta-read each other's stories and talked about decisions about our futures together and I'm glad to call you a friend :)




Talking to you always makes me smile :) You're smart and funny and awesome. I really hope you'll like the fic I'm writing - the one that was inspired by something that happened to you. I hope you know that you're an amazing person because you really, really are.




So, we haven't been talking as much as we maybe used to because we've both been pretty busy but I just want you to know that I'm still here if you need me. Our first shared fandom is one that I haven't dabbled in in a while and I know I've still got that challenge fic to write for you and I'm sorry that I've been distracted by all things Supernatural! I promise I'll try and get it finished this year! Anyway, I love your writing - you know that - and I hope that it takes you everywhere that you deserve to go :)




You're such a sweet, awesome friend and I *love* talking to you. I feel like I haven't been in contact with you as much as I want to recently (it's that stupid time difference, again!) but I hope that you know I'm here for you :) I promise, once this last exam is over, that I'll get in touch more often!




I really, really love talking to you. It's always awesome to swap ideas and I really appreciate the amount of time you've spent helping me find titles!! You've done a lot of beta-reading for me lately and I hope you know how grateful I am for that :)




You're the first person that I managed to convert to SPN and I'm so glad that I did because your fics are awesome! Not only that, but your work and your ideas make me think about my own writing differently and encourage me to try new things. I'm so glad that we went past being writer and beta-reader to being friends and I want you to know that I'm ALWAYS here for you.



Okay, so I have about five other people that I want to write letters to but it's only supposed to be one letter a day so, once I'm done with this whole letter meme, I'm going to write a letter a day to everyone on my flist. The thing is, you're ALL my friends. The letters above are to those of you that I've known longest/tend to talk to more but I honestly could have written a letter to so many more of you.

friends, lettermeme

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