Thursday's Ramble Post

Mar 06, 2008 21:10

Okay…this post is going to be all over the place. Sorry in advance ( Read more... )

holly is the best friend on earth, greg + drugs = heartache, my dysfunctional family, random kimmie

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Comments 22

elizabuffy March 7 2008, 03:33:46 UTC
The sitch w/ your brother must me so frustating. *hugs you*

Woohoo! Shopping is good. Nothing like retail therapy. At least for me. I'm glad you feel good about it. :) Also yay! for Hollies and Oklahoma!

I'll totally beta for you, if you'd like. It'll be my first non-buffy beta, so it might suck, but I'd be happy to try.

~e! (who's using her 'beta' icon)


therealmccoy1 March 7 2008, 03:51:47 UTC
*huggles* Thank you. Yeah, the sitch with my brother is beyond frustrating.

You'll be my beta?!?! *squees* YAY!!!! *dances* I mentioned your name to Holly tonight when I told her that I was thinking about asking people to beta for me and she thought you'd be a great choice. Hehehehe *squishes* YAY! Okay...I'll probably sent you the first couple chappies shortly. And you shall soon see that I have horrible horrible grammar and mechanics. But I'm trying!

And you won't suck! If anything, I will! Hehehehe

Thank you!!! (And great beta icon! Here is one of my writing ones.)


elizabuffy March 7 2008, 03:56:05 UTC
Yay! I can't wait. I'll be here most of the night. my life, it is so exciting.

I'm glad you want me as a beta. *feels all loved and stuff*



therealmccoy1 March 7 2008, 03:59:35 UTC
Well, my life is so exciting that I'm about to fall asleep. LOL

Damn me and my fatigue. Though I blame the waking up at 6am for part of it, too.


buhdderkupp March 7 2008, 03:38:00 UTC
*Hugs* I hope everything with your family (and Holly's!) gets better soon!!

But yay for possibly buying Dr. Who and Torchwood!!! (They are SOOOOO worth it....just for the pretty pretty pictures on the boxes and all.) Plus the series 1 Dr. Who (or maybe it's 2. I can't remember)...has the thing where as you move the box, the Tardis moves! squee!!


therealmccoy1 March 7 2008, 03:54:59 UTC
*HUGS* Thank you!

Yeah, they are really expensive, but I think I may just splurge and buy them all. I really like the show and it would be alot less hassle than waiting forever to download each eppie. I hate dial-up internets! :(

Hehehehe...yay Dr. Who!!

BTW...hope you don't mind I totally stole your icon! :/


buhdderkupp March 7 2008, 12:32:32 UTC
No, that is totally cool that you stoled the icon :)

I'm hoping that my state refund check will be enough for me to buy Dr. Who series 3, just cause the copy I have of it is the promotional copy, so it's not really the box set, although all the disks have the same thing on them as the box set---I want the pretty case and everything.... :)


therealmccoy1 March 8 2008, 17:07:12 UTC
LOL! Well, I don't care about having the prettiest DVD set, I just want one with all of the episodes.


_forpele March 8 2008, 01:41:17 UTC
*hugs* I'm so sorry about all of your family stuff (and Holly's, too). I don't understand the world. So many good people have to go through so many horrible things. It doesn't make sense.

I hope the retail therapy helped and you have a good trip :)
And for DVDs, I recommend Hairspray, because it makes me feel happy about life haha.


therealmccoy1 March 8 2008, 17:08:30 UTC
*huggles* Thank you for your sweet words!!

Yeah, I watched Hairspray for the first time last weekend and fell in love. Yup, I had to buy it on Amazon last night! LOL


goodtoast March 8 2008, 02:11:21 UTC
Dudette! You like Dr Who and Torchwood?!?! You're amazingly awesome :D

I'm sorry about your brother. That situation is just so frustrating for everyone. Sometimes, you just have to force someone. I don't think one of my friends would be alive if it wasn't for an intervention. I just hope things don't get worse before your parents realize this : \

Aaaannddddd if you're still in the need of a beta, I'm happy to help! With the possible prospect of new fic?!? OMG. You'll give me a heart attack ;)


therealmccoy1 March 8 2008, 17:11:57 UTC
Hehehe...I'm totally in love with Dr. Who and Torchwood now! I just started thanks to jobiegirl6.

Thanks for the sweet words about my drama. *huggles*

If you would like to beta, that would be AWESOME!!! I'm reworking ATTP first, but I have some fic ideas in mind that I'm wanting to motivate myself to get down on paper. Hehehehe Thanks!!!


therealmccoy1 March 10 2008, 01:19:09 UTC
Thank you again for the beta offer. You can totally back out if you want.

My email is Drop me a line and I'll get you email address.

Do you want to help me edit A Toast to Pandora or do you want to hold out until I get started on my new works?


goodtoast March 10 2008, 01:22:42 UTC
No way! It'll be fun to help out such a good writer : )

I can help on Pandora if you still need it! I was thinking about re-reading it sometime soon, anywho. Sending e-mail in a moment!


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