Thursday's Ramble Post

Mar 06, 2008 21:10

Okay…this post is going to be all over the place. Sorry in advance.

First, I am really pissed off with Hillary Clinton. She’s lying and turning uber-negative and saying shit like it would better to have John McCain as president than Obama as the Democratic nominee. I’m donating more money to Obama first thing in the morning if not sooner. And if she gets the nomination…I don’t know. At this rate I may vote for Nader.

Second, hollydb’s family has somehow pissed off the PTB. Since the beginning of the year they have lost an aunt, been in the hospital 3 times (Fafa twice and David once), then Holly’s car was broken into, they lost power during one of the ice storms for days…and now Granny and Fafa’s house was broken into. They got robbed on the day he came home from the hospital!! That should be a crime punishable by death. He’s a minister for Christ’s sake!

Third, the situation with my brother is worse. Not him, exactly. But I found a place for him to go for treatment and have been talking to them. I even found a professional to do an intervention. And after I’ve put so much time, hope and effort into getting my brother help, my parents blow off all of it. My mom insists that nobody will get him to go until he’s ready and that a long-term treatment isn’t needed. My dad is more receptive, but wants to talk to my uncle on Monday because I’ve had a cousin who was sent into treatment in another state before. So yeah…that’s really depressed me. I’m so thankful I have hollydb to cry to when this stuff overwhelms me.

In good news…I bought a bunch of stuff tonight. 2 pairs of shoes (one I need to return because it’s half a size too big…s’ok because it was a spare pair to my comfy dress shoes), 2 pairs of jeans, 2 blouses, 1 cami, 2 pairs of earrings, 1 necklace and 1 set of bangles. And for once, I feel really good about it all. That’s big for me.

Also good…HOLLY IS COMING TO OKLAHOMA WITH ME SATURDAY!!! It’s going to be totally awesome! *squees*

And some of my anger toward my mother dissipated after I came home tonight. She started chatting and being nice to me. She looked over my purchases and loved everything I bought. Then, she told me about how she fell at work and I felt bad that I left early. I figure that she wouldn’t have gone to the bank that last time had it not been for me. She obviously is oblivious to my secret guilt. Oh, and she seemed excited that Holly is coming with me this weekend, too. So that all went well.

Well, I’m going to go and possibly buy some DVDs online. I keep pondering the purchase of Dr. Who and Torchwood. I may but Hairspray, Dan in Real Life and maybe even Veronica Mars. I’m in a very weird mood tonight.

Then again…I think I may just crash. Today has been quite draining.

Oh…I’m starting to rework my story A Toast to Pandora. I’m gonna edit it and change the original character I have hook up with Sam a little…no obvious Buffy mentions. I really want a beta and Holly has *way* too much on her plate. Does anybody on my flist wanna be my beta? *bats eyelashes* I want to edit this fic to help me get motivated to start a new one. PLEASE?!?!

holly is the best friend on earth, greg + drugs = heartache, my dysfunctional family, random kimmie

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