Happy Tuesday!!

Mar 11, 2008 12:35

So, as usual, this post will be very random and ramble quite a bit. I hope that you guys love his quality about me…or ignore it well like hollydb.

First, I want to thank the lovely elizabuffy, goodtoast and hollydb for deciding to help me beta A Toast to Pandora so that it will be presentable when I begin posting it on LJ communities. It is so bizarre to reread it after all these years! Thank you ladies!! I have the best friends here!! *snuggles*

Second, gambling this weekend was fun, but very expensive. While hollydb won $90, I lost more than twice that. Even though I didn’t so well, I had a ton of fun and would do it again in a heartbeat.

Third, I snagged this meme from hollydb and pfeifferpack.
Which God or Goddess are you like?
Your Result: Satan

You are dEvil.You love to make people cring, and you also laugh and heckle Jesus while his back is turned. You have a weird sense of humor, but somehow it works. Many fear you, and thats the way you like it. Congatulations!! Your are Satan!!

Goddess Sekhemet

You are your own God or Goddess


God Zeus

The Christian God

Goddess Bast

Which God or Goddess are you like?
Make Your Own Quiz

Fourth, I have been having terrible back spasms. It started some in Oklahoma on Saturday night, then happened again when I was driving home Sunday. Sunday night was the worst. I really thought I would have to go to the emergency room, but figured they probably wouldn’t help me any because I know there is nothing that wrong with my back. Stupid Crohn’s!

Fifth, I have two tickets to see Bon Jovi/Daughtry in Kansas City on sale if anyone wants them. I paid $150/per ticket. Floor section 4, seats 1 and 2 at the Sprint Arena on April 17th. I was going to go with my ex-sister-in law Tina, but my dad just got a flyer in the mail telling him that he can get free concert tickets and a free 2 night stay…in Las Vegas. Hells Yeah! I don’t want to drive to Kansas City when I can fly to Vegas and stay for free!!! So yeah…2 BON JOVI/DAUGHTRY TICKETS FOR SALE!!!!!

Last, I think that my brother is close to going into treatment. I had found a treatment in Oklahoma (I didn’t tell anyone but hollydb that it is run by scientologists), but my parents shot that one down. There is one in Arkansas that did a lot of good for a cousin of mine that he seems to be interested.

I’m done because Mikey wants to strip in the office due to the warm weather. Nekkid brother = EWWW

kimmie likes friends, my body hates me, my bad luck, my dysfunctional family, random kimmie

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