Results - Week 38

Feb 23, 2015 21:17

Before we get to the results, I want to take a moment to thank the Champions for coming out this week ( Read more... )

week 38, eliminations, season 9

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Comments 44

hosticle_fifer February 24 2015, 02:27:51 UTC

... )


jexia February 24 2015, 02:31:22 UTC intersections....

Thanks so much - I've really enjoyed reading your work.


ryl February 24 2015, 02:33:22 UTC
I also got out before Gary showed up to make us all write those six topics again, perhaps in the space of one hell week. You mark my words, contestants, it's coming. I'll be sipping an Old Fashioned and laughing my ass off over here.
I've been cackling with glee the last few times the Dreaded Six have appeared for much the same reason.

In other news, after reading the results:

... )


dmousey February 24 2015, 06:49:38 UTC
I has a sad also. These eliminations are getting really painful.


kickthehobbit February 24 2015, 02:53:09 UTC

I know that there's a lot of people who are probably really upset about tonight's results-I've had a lot of people supporting me throughout my run in Idol, and I'm honestly incredibly grateful to all of them for turning out and supporting me through this thing.

...but, guys, I'm really relieved.

It has never been a secret that I write long. When people were talking, way back in Week 1, about what to do, how to "play the game", one of the things I heard, a lot, was that you had to "keep it short".

The first time I played Idol, I listened to this. I was fresh out of undergrad and I was TAing full time as well as taking 16 credit hours of classes. I opted to keep things short because it meant that my students got their lab reports &etc returned in a timely manner, but I didn't particularly like it. (I've never been very good at following the rules!)

When talonkarrde88 pressured me to sign up for Idol this time around, I thought long and hard about what I was going to do ( ... )


bleodswean February 24 2015, 03:06:38 UTC
I LOVED that you were writing long! I'll miss your fae stories, in particular. Oh, and your scifi!!!


kickthehobbit February 24 2015, 03:08:57 UTC
Well, you'll be happy to know that I'm planning to write something about the fey for Queers Destroy Fantasy. ;)


jexia February 24 2015, 03:22:51 UTC
Thank you, Jenn. And good luck with work and study and start-ups and everything! Hope to see more writing from you.

(I totally get what you mean by "done", too, BTW.)


gratefuladdict February 24 2015, 02:55:38 UTC

Sad to see both of these names. I will miss our Spirit in particular. It was a bold and selfless move to bring someone back instead of using a power to improve her own chances. I know I'm a better writer having spent time with her - and even competed against her - this season.


kickthehobbit February 24 2015, 02:59:23 UTC
Hey, I just wanted more great prose from lrig_rorrim. No joke and no ulterior motive-I'm glad that she's outlasted me (though now I have to put the pressure on her to win. :D


lrig_rorrim February 24 2015, 16:08:04 UTC
Hush you. There's plenty of pressure, I promise. You don't have to add. ;)


kickthehobbit February 24 2015, 20:34:16 UTC
don't deny me my only source of solace in this troubling, "Jenn has been eliminated" time ;______;

(kidding, obvs. you know I ♥ you and I'm not going to be like, "NO CISLYN, YOU HAVE TO WIN...FOR ME!" Keep playing until it's not fun anymore. :P )


bleodswean February 24 2015, 03:05:50 UTC
THANK you, jurists!!!! I totally appreciate you thinking of me and supporting my crazy flashplay! It's encouraging!


amberdawnpullin February 24 2015, 03:48:27 UTC
bleodswean February 24 2015, 17:41:36 UTC
Thank you! I appreciate that!


kandigurl February 24 2015, 05:34:09 UTC
Whoooooooooooooooooooa. I thought for sure kickthehobbit would take the whole thing.


kickthehobbit February 24 2015, 05:36:19 UTC
I heard that from people from week 1 onward, and I'm honestly really surprised. I knew I didn't have it in me to win after about week 10-that's about when life started getting really nuts. I'm flattered that people thought I could take it, but, nah. :)


kandigurl February 24 2015, 05:37:46 UTC
Dude, you got so far, though. :) I always enjoyed everything I read from you!


kickthehobbit February 24 2015, 05:39:12 UTC
Thanks! :)

I was aiming for the Top 10, and I made it. I'm happy about that. I'm glad that I got to bring one of my favorite people back into the game, and I'm glad that I lasted as long as I did...I have to admit, though, had I not gotten voted out this week, I probably would have had to drop. I got nominated for some ridiculous award through my department (...I don't even know) and my work responsibilities have just doubled. OY VEY.


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