Results - Week 38

Feb 23, 2015 21:17

Before we get to the results, I want to take a moment to thank the Champions for coming out this week ( Read more... )

week 38, eliminations, season 9

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hosticle_fifer February 24 2015, 02:27:51 UTC

In all seriosity (now a word), I had fun with all youse guys. With how much life had been cramming itself into the picture, I'm happy I was able participate for that long - I have no regrets.

I said some things that I think needed to be said; I had a venue and a (captive) audience to share some stories; I was forced to pull more out of my head than I otherwise would have. It was personally a win for me.

I also got out before Gary showed up to make us all write those six topics again, perhaps in the space of one hell week. You mark my words, contestants, it's coming. I'll be sipping an Old Fashioned and laughing my ass off over here. :D


jexia February 24 2015, 02:31:22 UTC intersections....

Thanks so much - I've really enjoyed reading your work.


ryl February 24 2015, 02:33:22 UTC
I also got out before Gary showed up to make us all write those six topics again, perhaps in the space of one hell week. You mark my words, contestants, it's coming. I'll be sipping an Old Fashioned and laughing my ass off over here.
I've been cackling with glee the last few times the Dreaded Six have appeared for much the same reason.

In other news, after reading the results:


dmousey February 24 2015, 06:49:38 UTC
I has a sad also. These eliminations are getting really painful.


suesniffsglue February 24 2015, 02:45:07 UTC
You've been one of my favorites for the whole season. It's been such a pleasure to read your work; you have such a strong and consistent voice. Thank you for all the amazing writing.


hosticle_fifer March 1 2015, 18:01:35 UTC
Thank you, and likewise! Your work has been almost impossibly good. In a lot of writing, you can see clear lines of inspiration, tethering the piece to something that came before. I always love it when a work seems conjured out of whole cloth, great and out of nowhere, and you've wizarded that up with alarming regularity. :)


roina_arwen February 24 2015, 02:47:35 UTC
You did great and it's been fun reading your work!


kickthehobbit February 24 2015, 02:55:38 UTC
High-five, bro. If I had to pick someone to go out with it would have been you or Sean. :)


hosticle_fifer March 1 2015, 18:03:44 UTC
I was looking for that Pepe LePeu clip where he says "Vive l'amour, we die togezzer" and jumps off a building. But it turns out that it was heavily censored in years past and is almost impossible to find, even on Youtube!


bleodswean February 24 2015, 03:04:15 UTC
Your writing is always outrageous! I'll miss reading your entries. Nice gifs...


hosticle_fifer March 1 2015, 18:07:10 UTC
But was it truly outrageous? Truly, truly outrageous? :D


bleodswean March 2 2015, 16:08:32 UTC
Heh. Do "I" think you could truly push some boundaries? Yep. Truly, truly.


hosticle_fifer March 2 2015, 17:03:03 UTC
I made it, Ma! I have achieved Truly Outrageous status!!


halfshellvenus February 24 2015, 04:41:42 UTC
:D Those gifs show how most of us feel after getting voted out, I think!

I really enjoyed reading you this season, and I think you really stretched into some new areas with some of the later entries. The Scarecrow is probably my favorite of the season, but I also liked the completely unexpected setting and execution of this week's entry. Nicely done!


hosticle_fifer March 1 2015, 18:05:35 UTC
Thank you, and I'm glad you liked it! I felt like the Scarecrow entry could have really opened up with some more time and attention, fleshing out the background and dropping more breadcrumb hints, but then, maybe that would just bog it down.

I always looked forward to your entries and was frankly certain you were going to take this season.


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