Green Room - Week 34 - Day 3

Jan 22, 2015 01:06

Where did you get your start ( Read more... )

green room, season 9, week 34, day 03

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Comments 57

xo_kizzy_xo January 22 2015, 12:32:55 UTC
Except for a work-imposed period where I didn't write because I was too busy/too tired, I've always written. It's a great way to amuse yourself when you're an only child living in the middle of a city and books -- your books, your parents' books, cookbooks -- become your de facto best friends.


anyonesghost January 22 2015, 12:39:51 UTC
I learned to read by writing "my" first book, when I was about three years old. It started off simply ("see Jane run"), and then got more complex as I took the reins. ("This is the planet Saturn. It has rings around it.")

I started writing seriously, though, when I was nine, as a result of an overabundance of worlds. There were a few false starts, but I finished my first novel when I was 14. It had two sequels, although it was meant to be a quartet, and I never did finish the series.

See, when I was seventeen, I discovered "editing." ;-) And the rest is ... well, not on historical record, because I'm too busy editing it.


theun4givables January 22 2015, 12:48:48 UTC
Hmmm ( ... )


anyonesghost January 22 2015, 13:15:57 UTC
May have home-gamed, albeit in a completely different direction from what I was expecting.
(not serial, not poetry, not really that meta. More Bob Newhart than anything else.)


clauderainsrm January 22 2015, 14:22:16 UTC
I was always making up stories in my head, or with my toys, as a kid.

But the moment that sticks out for me is back in 5th grade when we had to write in our journals every day.

Most of the kids in class would write about what they did the previous day.

I was writing (what a realize now, but didn't think much about it at the time) as M*A*S*H fanfic, where I changed the names of the characters, but it was basically that show. (If only I had been born years later and wrote Twilight fanfic - I could have published it and made tons of money! :D)

Yes, a 5th grader writing about the horrors of the Korean War and the zany adventures of surgeons in a mobile hospital that they used to cope with what they were facing every day. I'm pretty sure it hasn't existed in a long time - but I have to wonder what my teacher was thinking when she read those! :)

She was the one who encouraged me to start writing though. So I guess she saw *something* there.


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