Green Room - Week 34 - Day 3

Jan 22, 2015 01:06

Where did you get your start?

What was that first impulse (that you can recall) when you realized "This writing thing is FUN"?

Because that's what it's all about isn't it? Having fun.

That's why I started writing - and through a series of paths and projects, and outright needing something to keep myself busy, that's how I ended up starting LJ Idol. Because it's fun.

Where did the fun of writing start for you? How do you manage to replenish it day after day? Year after year?


Admittedly, it's kind of weird talking about how much "fun" writing is when we are fast approaching the most tense time of the competition. But really, I think that's when people need the reminders to *not* sabotage themselves with stress, that it's all about having fun.

(and of course winning!! :D)


One person who *doesn't* have to stress out this week is jexia, who won the Quick Fire and has immunity in this coming poll.

Everyone else? Aren't so lucky. But then again, only one person is going to end up winning anyway - so *write what you love* and submit things *that you feel good about*!

Maybe I'm not the best person to give you advice. I put my foot in my mouth plenty of times, completely sabotaging my own goals and I'm often stressed out about things that are mostly out of my control. But that doesn't stop me from continuing to hobble on, or worry. ;)

I just try to remind myself to take a step back now and again, get some air, and hopefully get to a better place, where I can see the *fun* again. That's when I know I'm back heading in the right direction.

Your topic is DUE at 8pm EST: 1/3 of the current contestants already have their entries in! (Which shows how few contestants are left! :D)

Btw - my html was made of fail last night. Allison's editing service can be found at Unkind Editor

green room, season 9, week 34, day 03

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