Green Room - Week 34 - Day 3

Jan 22, 2015 01:06

Where did you get your start ( Read more... )

green room, season 9, week 34, day 03

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theun4givables January 22 2015, 12:48:48 UTC

I know I'm one of the many in the "pretty much was always writing" camp, as I remember writing full sentences in first grade and composing short stories by second. In sixth grade I created what I thought was one of the most BAD ASS scary story ever written by a sixth grader (Haunted School Bus ftw!!!), and it was at least twice as long as everyone else's short story we had to write for English. xD

But really, I was writing fanfic by the time I was 10, was posting said fanfic on by the time I was 12, was considered a halfway Big Name Fan in the Invader Zim fandom at 13-14 years old (*hangs head in shame* You never quite shed your unfortunate Invader Zim phase -- especially not when you shipped ZADR like I did), and kinda died off on the fanfiction front by 16, which is when I started focusing more on original stuff than fanfiction.

I still wrote fanfic here and there for the next like, 5ish years? I kinda stopped writing after high school ended; I had a job and got married and moved and writing kinda fell to the wayside. I would dabble in it here and there, but nothing consistent until we moved back up to the mid-Atlantic area. Which, incidentally, was just before LJI S8 began, I was unemployed, and living with my dad.

S8 made it a consistent, enjoyable habit for me, once again. :)


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