Green Room - Week 34 - Day 3

Jan 22, 2015 01:06

Where did you get your start ( Read more... )

green room, season 9, week 34, day 03

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Comments 57

kathrynrose January 22 2015, 06:14:52 UTC

I was on a "newspaper staff" in school in the 4th grade. I don't remember if I wrote anything before that. I also had a poem published that year in a regional magazine for teachers.

I've always liked words, and I read like crazy, from before the first grade, so ::shrug:: I guess my answer is always. :)


clauderainsrm January 22 2015, 14:25:01 UTC
They had newspapers back then?

or was it more of a news rock-tablet? ;)

*ducks and runs*


kathrynrose January 22 2015, 16:00:32 UTC
Oh, it was on paper, but we copied it on a ditto machine. :)


clauderainsrm January 22 2015, 17:19:44 UTC
Ditto machines.

I haven't thought of those in years!!


roina_arwen January 22 2015, 06:28:24 UTC
I've always enjoyed writing - in college I had a short article about pierced ears accepted for publication by Seventeen magazine - they paid me $25 for it but it never did get published... Ah well. Story of my life!

I still enjoy writing, but not enough that I want to attempt to write the next Great American Novel. I'll leave that to the rest of you go-getters, lol.


swirlsofblue January 22 2015, 06:58:45 UTC
I've always been coming up with stories. I think when I started writing them down was when I was thirteen and my family got a computer for the first time. I got into fandom and started writing Charmed fanfic. I think I just had ideas in my head and wanted to get them out.

Do we do this for fun? I thought we did this so our muses would stop nagging us so persistently ;).


kickthehobbit January 22 2015, 07:02:13 UTC
If my mom's anyone to go by, I have basically always been telling stories. I started writing when I was five or so-once I knew how to make the letters, even if the stories were, uh. Not great. :)

I started really writing in high school, when I was on the literary magazine staff. I took a bunch of fiction writing classes/workshops in undergrad, took a break from it after Season 8 of Idol, and then talonkarrde88 poked me to write again.

I turned out a 10K word story and was like, "oh, right, this is fun!" and...that's that? :)


clauderainsrm January 22 2015, 14:24:04 UTC
Ah, the high school literary magazine!

That's where whipchick and I met!


eternal_ot January 22 2015, 12:12:39 UTC
One liners is how I started..:P along with poems and people(friends) enjoyed them. A friend suggested that I should write a diary, which I was regularly irregular in updating and then graduated to a blog(same story, different medium).
Doing Nanowrimo made me realize that writing is FUN, coz I never imagine I would end up writing 50,000 words in a month.But then, was my writing good enough? Made me join LJ Idol..:) Now I don't wanna give up, though wouldn't mind taking a break now and then.
I was here to find my genre as well and I guess Short Fiction is what I am good at, is my conclusion.


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