Green Room - Week 30 - Day 9

Dec 11, 2014 10:17

We are waiting for the Gatekeepers to come to their final decisions, but that's not reason to sit around and do nothing. There are still entries to be read! more... )

day 08, green room, season 9, week 30

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Comments 69

theun4givables December 11 2014, 15:23:46 UTC
I'll be totally honest and say I'm like 99% sure I'm going home this week. xD I wrote weird, writer-meta and my sense of humor is dumb and I know it. I loved writing the piece, though, and it was a nice "break" from those characters (even though I wrote about them for Idol. Again. Despite my better judgment!).

But I work tonight so I'll be asleep when results go up. Hopefully the news won't have any impact on my night at work, either way. xD


roina_arwen December 12 2014, 02:43:45 UTC
Honestly, I'd say you're unlikely to go home - I thought your piece was brilliant and a very fun read. Of course, it's possible that my sense of humor is also dumb, but honestly your love of writing that piece really came through for me! ♥


theun4givables December 12 2014, 04:46:07 UTC
I believe the Gatekeepers disagreed with you, madam. ;)

It's alright. I knew the second the voting post was up that I was going.


xo_kizzy_xo December 11 2014, 15:34:40 UTC
Roughly 2-1/2 hours until Cast Removal!!!!

I don't want to read anymore into it, you know, just in case the word "surgery" comes up. I have the feeling, though either way that I'm not going back to work just yet.


theun4givables December 11 2014, 15:36:00 UTC
Yay cast removal!!!

I know you're dying to get that thing off your wrist. <3


xo_kizzy_xo December 11 2014, 16:15:43 UTC
I'll finally be able to type coherently!


jem0000000 December 11 2014, 19:39:09 UTC

...Although it looks pretty coherent already, to me.


clauderainsrm December 11 2014, 15:37:16 UTC
I was playing around with Zazzle this morning and made a "LJ IDOL is why I drink" flask.

I didn't "make it available" because it would be over $30 and I know there are people who have struggled with alcoholism among us. But it amused me, and thought the *idea* might amuse some other people, so I figured I'd share.


roina_arwen December 12 2014, 02:45:48 UTC
I don't drink (alcohol) but it's an amusing idea!


anyonesghost December 11 2014, 15:53:09 UTC
So, I do a lot of presentations during the course of Day Job Which Shall Not Be Named. While getting up the courage to stand in front of an audience still takes Effort (to this day), it's so much better once I get going. I can see their faces, see if they're nodding along (or nodding off), can tell if they get the humor, get the point.

Sometimes, though, I do web conferences or phone presentations. Those are a lot harder. I can't get a feel for how I'm doing, if they even care, if they're even still on the line. I could just be talking to myself, for all I know. I have to steel myself to go on ... instead of getting easier, it gets harder.

So, if I feel utterly doomed wrt tonight's poll, it's because I have no concept of the Gatekeepers as an audience or if my entry's even close to working.


lrig_rorrim December 11 2014, 23:36:59 UTC
I think the blank anonymity and silence is what makes Gatekeeper rounds so nervewracking. There's no knowing what they're thinking, who they are, hell HOW MANY ARE THERE? It's... knowing those things wouldn't necessarily help, but the mind wants data!


anyonesghost December 11 2014, 23:54:26 UTC
Well, at the least, we'd know where to send the stacks of $27.00 bills?

(And I think we do know one, but you're right .... it doesn't help. Not when they're out there being all .... gatekeepery.)


sung to the tune of 'If I Only Had A Brain dmousey December 11 2014, 16:38:32 UTC
Oh I sit here and I cower
Waiting on the hour
To know of my demise
What are the Gatekeepers thinking
My heart, it's a sinkin'
Oh do they like my write????

Feel free to add your own verse! :)


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