Vote - Week 14

Jan 02, 2009 11:32

A few words from me:

Welcome to the first poll of the New Year!

I hope you had a nice holiday season - and now we are back to the business of finding the Next LJ Idol! Which is a whole different kind of fun! The kind of fun that keeps you up late at night writing (and reading) entries ( Read more... )

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Comments 131

firesign10 January 2 2009, 17:11:20 UTC
Oh man...I'm going to be nervous all weekend now!! *trembles*

Good luck, everyone!!


roina_arwen January 2 2009, 17:16:10 UTC
I dunno about you, but I get nervous all weekend anyway, LOL!


firesign10 January 2 2009, 17:23:31 UTC
Oh yea, I check the poll like 50 times!! I seem to run low on votes all weekend and then pull through on Sunday night/Monday morning! Makes every poll a nail-biter!


jenandbronze January 2 2009, 18:45:42 UTC
I only check the poll twice a day, as it already tends to scare me too much.


deza January 2 2009, 17:21:50 UTC
Good luck, everyone!


clauderainsrm January 2 2009, 17:23:11 UTC
There is *one* more immunity still out there. So I wonder how many best friends mermaidkween is going to have this week?


abbismom January 2 2009, 17:26:32 UTC
I feared this, particularly this week where I don't feel my entry will be an especially popular one. Good times, good times ;)


deza January 2 2009, 17:38:43 UTC
I'm right there with you, hon.


abbismom January 2 2009, 17:52:31 UTC
i'm not just blowing smoke up your skirt when I say I really enjoyed your entry this week, and you'll have at least one vote from me.


deza January 2 2009, 18:04:06 UTC
Oh, thank you! You got one from me as well. :)

I related to your first attempts. There's a part of me that feels like I should be writing Great Works of Literature. Instead I write smut, because smut sells. I don't have enough confidence in my own writing yet to tackle the YA that's been bopping around in my head, or really try to say anything with my writing.


morning_stand January 2 2009, 18:06:24 UTC
lol. oops. I didn't remember until this morning :/ I've hardly been on LJ at all lately :( oh well! good luck everyone! I will be around :)


superhappytime January 2 2009, 18:30:05 UTC
that is really good icon of what Barrack Obama might loook like if he were pursuing Neo in The Matrix :)


tsarina January 3 2009, 16:12:17 UTC
HA! That is what I think every time I see it! Great minds.


ewok_626 January 2 2009, 19:00:58 UTC
*will miss you!!!*


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