Vote - Week 14

Jan 02, 2009 11:32

A few words from me:

Welcome to the first poll of the New Year!

I hope you had a nice holiday season - and now we are back to the business of finding the Next LJ Idol! Which is a whole different kind of fun! The kind of fun that keeps you up late at night writing (and reading) entries.

This week the topic was "resolute" and there were some straight forward ones on the subject of resolutions - and there were some that came at the topic from a completely different angle. All in all though this particular poll has some real gems in it to be found. So make sure you read as many entries as you can (Hopefully all of them!) and vote to keep your favorites in this thing!

Because this particular week they are going to need you more than they ever have before.

The Month of Doom has started. It's going to start slow, but it's going to build - like all good Doom.

How slow is it starting? This week we are losing the bottom two vote getters from each tribe!

Voting starts now and ends Monday Jan 5th at 1pm EST. Good luck to everyone!

Unfortunately two people did miss the deadlines. Calling them "fan favorites" would certainly be accurate. One was a newbie and one was a veteran. Both will be missed (although hopefully they will stick around these parts! Goodbye to morning_stand and shannon_elaine

Which means the "march to the Top 75" is about to become a half step!*G*

Poll LJ Idol, Season Five – Tribe florida_phoenix, Week Fourteen

Poll LJ Idol, Season Five – Tribe millysdaughter, Week Fourteen

Poll LJ Idol, Season Five – Tribe protoman185, Week Fourteen

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