Vote - Week 14

Jan 02, 2009 11:32

A few words from me:

Welcome to the first poll of the New Year!

I hope you had a nice holiday season - and now we are back to the business of finding the Next LJ Idol! Which is a whole different kind of fun! The kind of fun that keeps you up late at night writing (and reading) entries ( Read more... )

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Comments 131

libra_dragon January 2 2009, 16:36:26 UTC
Good luck everyone!


boxsofrain January 2 2009, 16:38:58 UTC

Good luck everybody.


johnmill79 January 2 2009, 16:50:41 UTC
Yeah, that's gonna be crucial. I'm gripping the edge of my seat now.


oberonia January 4 2009, 04:13:12 UTC
heh...I'm going to have to see if our local radio station has a clip of what I'm about to explain...

The morning show's main host has two kids. His oldest is around 4 or 5 and he gets interviewed on a regular basis. I forget what the particular interview was about this time (he's a very chatty and creative kid), but he said "DOOMED!" and now it's a sound bite they use. It makes me giggle every time I hear it.

*goes to look for it* < /random >


johnmill79 January 2 2009, 16:46:04 UTC
This might not matter, but I just noticed it because of the way I vote. I think tigrkittn should be placed after theafaye


roina_arwen January 2 2009, 16:47:31 UTC
And after thenodrin too, for that matter - but he can't edit the poll once it's posted.


johnmill79 January 2 2009, 16:51:36 UTC
I know, I just have a twisted mind and too much time on my hands. lol


clauderainsrm January 2 2009, 16:54:34 UTC
and yet no one noticed it last week.*g*

*head thunk*

Thanks. Must have missed that one.


roina_arwen January 2 2009, 16:46:37 UTC
Bottom two vote-getters, eh? That's pretty much what I was expecting.



clauderainsrm January 2 2009, 17:02:12 UTC
Oh, well since that was what you were expecting, should I change it to *three* to make life interesting?*G*


tigrkittn January 2 2009, 17:03:32 UTC
I wasn't expecting it!! :(


roina_arwen January 2 2009, 17:06:39 UTC
Oh no... don't go to any particular trouble for me!

Maybe next week it'll be three, if I know you. Or it'll still be the bottom two, but you'll break it up into more tribes!


tigrkittn January 2 2009, 17:03:01 UTC
DOOM!! :(


roina_arwen January 2 2009, 17:07:12 UTC
And you're right in the thick of it! ;)


tigrkittn January 2 2009, 17:07:44 UTC
*is scared*


jenandbronze January 2 2009, 18:45:03 UTC
sadly, as I think this is your second week in the competition too?


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