Green Room - Week 14 - Day 5

Jan 02, 2009 10:12


This whole "sleeping in" thing is nice. Of course come Monday it's back to my normal work schedule. But I'm trying to enjoy the time off while I can!

So how are you doing this fine Friday of Doom?


I mentioned that I was going to bring something up in today's Green Room post, if I wasn't too tired to remember! Apparently I *was*!

I know there are some fans of Season 3's runner up bettybaker out there, and for those who aren't, it's just as a matter of "you aren't yet*". She designed that nifty "Season 5 starts now" banner and over the last couple of months has created two very unique and downright interesting reads with what I can only call "Graphic Blogs".

Her new one: thesilverhollow is just starting up, and looks very promising. So if you want to go support a fellow Idoler in a creative endeavor (and get a good read out of the experience) - here's your chance!


It's also my duty to report that there have been two pre-deadline drops today/last night: beldar and bodlon. We're going to miss you!

week 14, green room, day 05, season 5

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