Prompt - Week 1

Feb 01, 2022 12:26

This is the first prompt of the mini-season!

It's a jumping off point for you to go anywhere the idea decides to take you.

The ONLY thing you post below is a link to your entry. If you want to talk about the prompt/brainstorm, etc - that's why we have Green Rooms. If people start posting other comments in this thread, they will be deleted because it can get really confusing really quickly!

Most of the time I won't post anything more than the word/phrase. But this time I've decided to post a couple definitions I found online to give you a head start. :)

This week's prompt is

"Black Rainbow"

"Dreaming of a black rainbow means that you will be victimized by believing in the sweet words of others, so pay special attention to those who have been too sweet recently, and don't be deceived."

"A rainbow seen at night can be referred to as a black rainbow; difficult to see, the colors are often hidden; a metaphor for something sought after but impossible to attain, an alluring ongoing search."

The deadline to link your entry back to this thread is Tuesday, Feb 8th at 1pm ET.  If you need to miss this deadline for whatever reason, simply post that you are taking a "strike" or email me at

3 strikes, week 1, prompt

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