Green Room - Week 1 - Day 2

Feb 02, 2022 13:36

On the same day that I start the mini season, I get a call - from a (recent) former co-worker. She left a few weeks ago, (one of the people that I DIDN'T want to see leave) and wanted to give me the heads up... the boss was also leaving for a new job. In a couple weeks... and *I* was her recommendation as interim supervisor.  :O

My first thought "Why would ANYONE put ME in charge of anything???" and then I went back to checking up on Idol... and went "Oh, yeah... I AM in charge of things!"  But that just goes to prove the point that it's a bad idea. *I* put myself in charge of Idol... and I'm known to be insane and make horrible life decisions, like "Hey, I should keep this Idol thing going for 15+ years!"  ;)

The new prompt is up -

and yes, for you veterans, that IS a change. I'm calling them prompts for this mini-season. Why? Just because.  :)

I started writing this in the morning, and it's already afternoon because of all the chaos on this side of the internet!

I'll be posting a "Work Thread" below for you to bounce your ideas for the new prompt around.

3 strikes, green room, week 2, day 02

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