Results - Week 30

Aug 18, 2020 21:22

If I had money, I would have put it on the odds that rayaso was making it to the finals. That he might just the guy to break the "No Man Has Ever Won a Regular Season of Idol" curse. When I said that there was a "head pick", someone that if you just looked at the way things tend to flow, was the one who if they got to the end would probably be the " ( Read more... )

eliminations, week 30, immunity, season 11

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Comments 37

rayaso August 19 2020, 01:30:45 UTC
Thank you so much for your wonderful words. I made it a long way, the longest so far. I made it to the Top 5 and I was the last storyteller standing, and I am proud of both. I lost out to some amazing writers. Idol is always a great experience for me, part fun, part chaos, with a lot of panic thrown in. I appreciate all the wonderful comments people have left on my stories. It has been a long road, and I had a great time reading other entries and connecting with so many fine writers. Thank you all!


encrefloue August 19 2020, 02:22:39 UTC
It's been such a pleasure to be a visitor in the irreverent and whimsical realms of your stories. Hats off to your amazing season.


rayaso August 19 2020, 03:11:16 UTC
Thank you! I like "irreverent and whimsical" -- weird comes to mind. You have written some amazing entries, and your portfolio deserved its top spot. Good luck the rest of the way.


me_sonrei August 19 2020, 21:00:12 UTC
Dang, I had thought you were going to take the whole thing!

You had a fantastic season. Congrats on making it to the top 5!


kittenboo August 19 2020, 02:11:23 UTC
Congrats to dadi on immunity, it is well earned, you had a great portfolio!

And it just keeps getting harder and harder to say goodbye. Rayaso it has been so much fun reading your stories and competing with you!


rayaso August 19 2020, 02:16:19 UTC
Thank you! I have enjoyed your work all season long -- good luck the rest of the way.


roina_arwen August 19 2020, 02:35:13 UTC
Awww man! Rayaso I was really hoping you’d make a last minute comeback - everyone really brought it, but in my little spreadsheet you had top marks this week! You did SO well!!

Congrats to our Final Four!


rayaso August 19 2020, 03:08:00 UTC
Thank you, especially for your kind words on my entries. Maybe next time? Hope springs eternal.


rayaso August 19 2020, 13:01:10 UTC
I have no idea how it happened, and I'll check with Gary, but "acmeseal"(below)
hijacked my account (see below). I wrote "Thank you! I like "irreverent and whimsical" -- weird comes to mind. You have written some amazing entries, and your portfolio deserved its top spot. Good luck the rest of the way." and I tried to post it for a previous comment. I don't know what's going on, but I'm sure Gary will find out.


clauderainsrm August 19 2020, 13:43:35 UTC
It's a spambot. We get them every few days, but the timing of this one meant that I didn't catch it until this morning. :)

They grab a section of another response from the thread to make it look like they are an actual person.


rayaso August 19 2020, 16:49:36 UTC
Thank you. I wasn't familiar with that.


dadi August 19 2020, 07:36:08 UTC
I am so sorry rayaso is leaving :( . Such wonderful stories, I will miss them :'(

And thanks for the immunity... I didn't even think that was a thing any more, so close to the end? Just shows how few I know, LOL.

That topic for the final looks like serious gameplaying/strategy stuff. So I think I'll write out my little heart with something fun this week and go out with a flourish ;)


kittenboo August 19 2020, 12:24:30 UTC
If you go back and read what past winners/finalists have written for their final entry most are very heartfelt what they have enjoyed about the other finalists and talking about their own process or what they have gotten out of idol for themselves.

Sometimes the writer puts their own little spin on it. But at least in the ones I’ve seen the majority don’t tend towards strategy or gameplay.


dadi August 19 2020, 12:50:50 UTC
I have tried to have a look..but most of those I found have made their entries private or don't have an LJ any more, apparently.


kittenboo August 19 2020, 13:51:34 UTC
I will get you a couple links, I went back and found some a few weeks ago.


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