Results - Week 30

Aug 18, 2020 21:22

If I had money, I would have put it on the odds that rayaso was making it to the finals. That he might just the guy to break the "No Man Has Ever Won a Regular Season of Idol" curse. When I said that there was a "head pick", someone that if you just looked at the way things tend to flow, was the one who if they got to the end would probably be the " ( Read more... )

eliminations, week 30, immunity, season 11

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rayaso August 19 2020, 01:30:45 UTC
Thank you so much for your wonderful words. I made it a long way, the longest so far. I made it to the Top 5 and I was the last storyteller standing, and I am proud of both. I lost out to some amazing writers. Idol is always a great experience for me, part fun, part chaos, with a lot of panic thrown in. I appreciate all the wonderful comments people have left on my stories. It has been a long road, and I had a great time reading other entries and connecting with so many fine writers. Thank you all!


encrefloue August 19 2020, 02:22:39 UTC
It's been such a pleasure to be a visitor in the irreverent and whimsical realms of your stories. Hats off to your amazing season.


rayaso August 19 2020, 03:11:16 UTC
Thank you! I like "irreverent and whimsical" -- weird comes to mind. You have written some amazing entries, and your portfolio deserved its top spot. Good luck the rest of the way.


me_sonrei August 19 2020, 21:00:12 UTC
Dang, I had thought you were going to take the whole thing!

You had a fantastic season. Congrats on making it to the top 5!


rayaso August 19 2020, 21:08:18 UTC
Thank you! It just wasn't to be. I lost out to a fantastic group of writers. I hope to be back next season if Gary so honors us.


halfshellvenus August 20 2020, 07:27:39 UTC
I was so hoping you'd make it into the final round!

But you had such an amazing season, and you brought us your unique brand of sweet weirdness again and again. I was so impressed with your creativity and discipline in getting those three original stories out in such a short time. They were fun reads, all the way to the end. ♥


rayaso August 20 2020, 14:08:44 UTC
Thank you! It wasn't easy, as you know, and in the end, it wasn't enough. I lasted longer than I thought I would, and the survivors are all wonderful writers. It's going to be a tough conclusion.


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