Results - Week 30

Aug 18, 2020 21:22

If I had money, I would have put it on the odds that rayaso was making it to the finals. That he might just the guy to break the "No Man Has Ever Won a Regular Season of Idol" curse. When I said that there was a "head pick", someone that if you just looked at the way things tend to flow, was the one who if they got to the end would probably be the " ( Read more... )

eliminations, week 30, immunity, season 11

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Comments 37

viagra August 19 2020, 13:45:55 UTC
Congratulations to dadi for the immunity! It was well-earned. :-)

I'm so sad to see rayaso leaving us! I know that this week was especially difficult on him-fiction writers get a lot of tough breaks it seems, but he rolled with the punches and put together a stellar portfolio anyway. I'm looking forward to reading more from him in upcoming seasons, since I'm sure he'll be around.

I have to say, I was also kind of looking forward to the idea of the three guys ending up in the final together (nothing against dadi and kittenboo, who are amazing themselves, but I thought it would have been cool considering all of the main season winners have been women, to not give voters a choice in giving it to a guy this time around!). But things rarely go the way we want or expect, I guess. This is another instance of, "I couldn't imagine him leaving us, but I couldn't imagine anyone else leaving us, either." These last few weeks have been so tough!

You put up a good fight, rayaso. I love your work and I'm ready for you to get going on your best-selling short story collection ( ... )


rayaso August 19 2020, 16:50:55 UTC
That is very kind of you. I think the only audience for the kind of stories I write is here at Idol.


viagra August 19 2020, 16:53:24 UTC
If it makes you think any differently, this time around was the first time that I opened myself up to people I know in real life, and one of my friends said that she went in and read every single person's portfolio (because she just loved the concept and is an avid reader), and she absolutely adored yours and was shocked when I told her you were the one that got eliminated.

You have more of an audience than you give yourself credit for.


rayaso August 19 2020, 16:58:06 UTC
I'm glad that you're opening yourself up more. It's things like that which make me love Idol. And thank you for passing along your friend's comment. If only there were outlets for odd tiny stories . . . .


murielle August 19 2020, 15:16:10 UTC
rayaso! I'm so sad to see you go. You're one of my heroes and I hoped that this would be your season, all the way.

See you next season! :-)


rayaso August 19 2020, 16:51:56 UTC
Thank you. Will you be there next season? I have missed your writing very much and your supportive comments.


lyssa027 August 19 2020, 15:37:23 UTC
I'll miss you rayaso and I'm sorry to see you go. I really loved your writing pieces and enjoyed reading everything you wrote.

Congrats on your immunity dadi, it was well deserved. Good luck on your next entry ;)

And all the best to kittenboo and viagra in the upcoming week as well ;)

I'm looking forward to reading everyone's entries ;)


rayaso August 19 2020, 16:53:13 UTC
Thank you so much! I hope we'll be writing together next season, if Gary so provides.


bleodswean August 19 2020, 16:57:38 UTC

Oh, G! :( You wrote your heart out this season and I loved every word you shared with us!!! Bonus Stanley stories this go round too!!! Take a WELL deserved rest and then start your finger exercises for next season!!!


rayaso August 19 2020, 17:03:07 UTC
I am so grateful for the support you gave me this season. I hope you'll be back next season as well. I hope you will be in a better place for Idol next time. I keep trying to get my fingers in shape, or at least to hit the keys I want them to hit, but they keep asserting their independence. So far, they've stayed attached to my hands, but I don't know how much longer that will last.


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