i kicked my part time job cause it was clashing with my persona of hugh o'malley talented fashion photographer.
i feel a lot better but also need to work harder to make sure i pay the bills. doing some tests for agencies, some models portfolios, the odd catwalk/runway/fashion show etc. Getting there. Want to get published. soon.
at a fruit stand today. the sign said 'rip bananas only 20p' i was buying an apple and said to the guy: 'i think you spelt ripe wrong' he said: 'yeah, it was the young guy that writ it...' i stand corrected.
Ny is fun so far. going to coney island today to check out the mermaid fair. which is like a drag queen and freaks parade (i think) whichnshould be fun
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i just went to the diane arbus exhibition in the v&a. Guess what? She killed herself on my birthday. I can't help feeling we have some divine cosmic conekshun and that i am supposed to continue on her legacy.