
Nov 21, 2008 09:03

Okay, this isn't the most complimentary of articles, but I thought it was good for discussion here.

An Angry Blogger Writes.. )

save pushing daisies

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Comments 58

pink_blanket November 21 2008, 09:24:37 UTC


mazzeh November 21 2008, 09:35:08 UTC


oh :(


pink_blanket November 21 2008, 12:17:32 UTC

(<3 The Master, btw)


mazzeh November 21 2008, 12:48:51 UTC

(<3! He's one of my most favourite crazy people.)


thaursir November 21 2008, 09:30:23 UTC
What else can he do? He needs to work. Bitching and moaning about something that isn't going to change (and once the network has made up its mind, it's not going to) will only earn him enemies in the business. He can't make more shows or even continue 'Pushing Daisies' in the avenues available to him if he's know around the business as being a bitch.

Besides, he's Bryan Fuller. He's been down this road many, many times before. If he doesn't know of a way to pull a dying should out of the hangman's noose, I have complete faith in the fact that no one does. He's a writer and creator. What he can do is write and create. Not beat dead horses, and certainly not tell the network how to run their business.

Ultimately, it's just a show. Yeah, it's a show we all love desperately, but it's a show. It's a gift. It was going to end some time. It sucks that it ends now, but whining won't help. Bad grammar on the part of that blogger won't help. Intelligent letters, written by the main demographic and sent to the studios that market ( ... )


mazzeh November 21 2008, 09:42:35 UTC
I don't think that the gist of it was that anyone should bitch like children, though for sure it's going to happen for the next few days or so and personally, I can't blame anyone for that. The point is that Bryan Fuller does seem to be giving up on this a little too easy. Unlike (imo) Wonderfalls and Dead Like Me, PD really does have enough of a fanbase to get it picked up on maybe something like a cable channel. I'm not saying those other two shows DIDN'T have a big fanbase, just that this one is bigger. This isn't about being against Bryan or the cast or the crew to me, it's about encouraging him to at least ask around because it really does beggar belief that there isn't one network out there who'd snap his hand off for the chance to get their hands on this show. And this is a horse that is far from dead, if you ask me ( ... )


thaursir November 21 2008, 09:45:49 UTC
I want you to call ABC President Steve McPherson a dick
That's not bitching like a child to you?


mazzeh November 21 2008, 09:46:51 UTC
I think the writer has his tongue firmly placed in his cheek on that one, and personally? I thought it was pretty funny.


soleil_kitty November 21 2008, 09:42:16 UTC
i love whoever wrote this.


mazzeh November 21 2008, 09:43:24 UTC
I would actually pay to see Bryan call the president of ABC a dick.


soleil_kitty November 21 2008, 10:01:58 UTC
yeah well, okay, it doesn't have to get that ugly.
but i agree with what he said about the comics. i do love comics but i don't want this to end in comic form, period. it would all be easier to cope with, if the second season didn't end with a cliffhanger. THAT is what actually bothers me the most.


mazzeh November 21 2008, 10:04:05 UTC
To be honest it's just because in my head it would be the funniest phonecall ever. But that aside, I totally agree. The cast is what makes PD come to life and I cannot see how a comic would be satisfying in any way shape or form. I am actually dreading the last episode, I really am.


teahweah November 21 2008, 10:02:30 UTC
I normally see Bryan as an optimistic, all together nice-guy. Hence why he's always been positive with all the "HEY! We did good!" stance. But after so many cancellations especially the magic of Wonderfalls and Pushing Daisies, I do think he should just work on getting the show picked up in another network instead of moving to another project that might once again be canceled.


mazzeh November 21 2008, 10:10:49 UTC
I love Bryan, and he's made some great TV shows, and I understand he's trying to make everyone feel good about the fact that they made 22 great episodes. They did, and god love 'em for that - but I totally agree. I think this one is really worth at least an enquiry at other stations to see if they'd be willing to pick it up, rather than just running on back to Heroes. Personally, I'd love to see another series of Wonderfalls too but we all know that isn't going to happen. It'd just be nice to know that he's as willing to at least try and keep it alive as everyone else. And I'm not talking about a bloody comic, either. >:o


teahweah November 21 2008, 11:00:32 UTC
Totally! Heroes is all sorts of FAIL lately too, so...

And I DO NOT WANT to read comics, as much as I love them. I don't think the magic would be there. I want Jim Dale's narration, not having his voice in my head. And I want the lovely PD music playing in the background, not various sounds of my surroundings.


mazzeh November 21 2008, 11:08:25 UTC
I'm not a huge Heroes fan anyway, really. So my childish response would be WE NEED BRYAN MORE THAN THEY DO but as i are srs cat and this are srs thread, I will reiterate that Bryan moving to Heroes would be much like leaping from one sinking ship to another.

Exactly, exactly. Without the cast and the narration and the music and all the wonderful visuals, I feel a comic would be anticlimactic to say the least.


comic book anonymous November 21 2008, 11:26:58 UTC
I'm not big into the comic book idea either. It seems like a way to finally, and slowly, kill the show. But then they have never been my thing.... Besides, how do you take a wonderful show like this and (literally) flatten it and still expect it to have the same life??? I think this is a bad idea in the long run. If they did the comic book like they do now, about the episodes, that's fine. I really think they should try to get another network to pick it up for more seasons. If someone like USA or Sci-Fi got even only 4 million PD viewers, wouldn't that be a lot for them??? Perhaps I am misinformed, but this show is worth trying to get another network to take in on!


Re: comic book mazzeh November 21 2008, 11:36:48 UTC
I really do love comics, and the episode companions are cute - but that's all they should be, to me. Companions to the episodes. I am in complete agreement, something as technicolour and amazing looking as Pushing Daisies just won't work if it's squished into a comic. I'm not totally sure on how the numbers are for Sci-Fi in the US, but as far as I know stations like that and USA would really benefit from PD's audience moving to their station. It's not a lot to ABC but to them I think it'd be a real boost.


Re: comic book popartpistol November 21 2008, 12:54:40 UTC
I agree, the show is so sensory, the music and colour and movement are so vital to what makes the show unique and a bunch of drawings can't capture that.


Re: comic book sherarara November 21 2008, 18:45:31 UTC
I'm mostly not into the comic book idea because I rather dislike what's been going on with Buffy. I can't see it being much different than that, so I kind of hope that the movie idea goes forward.


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