May 07, 2012 16:06

Title: Tall Maknaes (for a lack of better title)
Pairing: KyuMin, SeMin (LOL)
Rating: PG-13
Genre: fluff, romance, crack
Warning/s: yaoi, language
Verse: expanded
Type/Status: One-Shot; Complete; 1,154W
Summary: Kyuhyun is threatened by a certain maknae's presence...
A/N: Written because we all love jealous Kyu. And Sehun is my bias in EXO-K! I cannot let this pass!;)))


Sungmin scowled a little when Sehun flinched when he looped his arm with the younger's, wondering if the EXO maknae had something against skinship. Then again, that couldn't be it. Sehun had no problem kissing his cheeks earlier when they were at the waiting room. Of course, it was Sungmin who asked him to do that. But the younger was compliant, even to the point of throwing in an additional bbuing bbuing in there, much to Sungmin's delight. He admits he just has this thing for maknaes. Then something clicked in his mine as he thought of the maknae he left at home. Could it be...???


"Sehun-ah, wait up," Sungmin panted as he catched up with the younger, wondering what kids these days eat for them to grow into the giants that they're becoming - or the EXO kids, at least.

"Uh, Sungmin-hyung," Sehun gulped, a bead of sweat falling from his temple.

"Are you okay? Why are you sweating?" Sungmin reached a hand to wipe Sehun's brow, the latter stumbling backwards almost immediately, as if electrocuted by Sungmin's touch.

"I'm fine, hyung," Sehun assured, albeit unconvincingly since he was still sweating like a pig.

"Are you sure?" Sungmin pressed, taking a step towards the younger, surprised when Sehun extended both his arms to keep him from coming nearer.

"I'm okay unless you keep on touching me," Sehun muttered under his breath, putting more distance between him and the elder by lengthening his already long strides, making it impossible for Sungmin to keep up without accelerating to a jog.

"Wait, what? Sehun-ah! Sehun-ah!" Sungmin placed his hands on his knees as he panted, surrendering his pursuit as Sehun's back had already disappeared when he rounded a corner.

He was completely puzzled by the younger's behavior. He was completely fine earlier. Unless he didn't want to be touched in front of cameras? But Ryeowook did touch Sehun a little as well, yet he didn't react the way he did with Sungmin. That couldn't be it.

Just then, Sungmin felt someone's footsteps approach him and he looked up just in time to see Chanyeol's derpy grin.

"Chanyeol-ah, do you know why Sehun was acting weird?" Sungmin asked, unconsciously pouting.

"Kyuhyun-hyung," Chanyeol simply said as if it solved Sungmin's predicament.

Chanyeol had already left and gone into the van when Sungmin managed to put two and two together and he braced himself on the nearest post as he guffawed. Kyuhyun can be too cute sometimes.

Still, he felt bad that Sehun had to endure Kyuhyun's wrath, so he thought he was gonna avenge the hoobae he's growing fond of these days - Sehun, that is.


Sungmin kept mum as he entered their shared bedroom, nonplussed when he saw that Kyuhyun was simply moping on his bed instead of the usual Starcraft session he usually had at the time.

Kyuhyun gazed expectantly at him, his face immediately turning sullen when Sungmin didn't acknowledge him even with a mere nod. Sungmin was mentally rejoicing, but he kept his face straight. He was intent on teaching Kyuhyun a lesson.

Sungmin continued to give Kyuhyun the cold shoulder as he prepared to sleep, slipping into his bed after five minutes or so. The both of them always shared a bed no matter what and this was Sungmin's way of telling Kyuhyun that something was wrong.

It seemed to be the breaking point for Kyuhyun. The younger was immediately at Sungmin's side, shaking the latter so that he was forced to face him.

"Minimi! What's wrong?" Kyuhyun looked like he was about to cry, clutching at Sungmin's arms desperately.

Sungmin would've gushed if he wasn't pretending to be mad.

"Nothing's wrong, Kyuhyun. Let go of me," Sungmin shrugged Kyuhyun's hands off him, the younger's eyes widening as he did so.

"Minimi! Don't do this. This is about Sehun, isn't it? I knew it! I will make that little rascal pay!" Kyuhyun said with mirth, although he looked comedic since he was also starting to cry at the time.

"What about Sehun, Kyu?" Sungmin played dumb, wanting Kyuhyun to admit to his mischief himself.

"It's not Sehun? Is it Tao? But Tao is in China! That's not right," Kyuhyun mumbled almost incoherently, but Sungmin caught it nonetheless.

"Tao? What did you do to Zi Tao and Sehun, Kyu?" Sungmin stared at Kyuhyun condescendingly, the younger literally squirming under the elder's gaze.

"Nothing! I just talked to them," Kyuhyun muttered, looking everywere but Sungmin's eyes.

"Don't lie, Kyu. Why would Sehun be that nervous when you just talked to him?" Sungmin was not convinced, knowing that the younger could very well be the devil incarnate whenever he bullied the others.

"Well, I may have added a few death threats or so too," Kyuhyun hastily said, hoping that Sungmin wouldn't catch what he said. So much for hoping.

"You what!? How about Tao?" Sungmin shrieked, hands already poised to smack Kyuhyun in the head.

Kyuhyun caught Sungmin's wrist and pinned them to his sides to ensure his safety before he continued to speak. "I just told Tao that I would ask Mi to have him banned from all the designer stores in downtown Beijing. I figured he's not much of a threat since he's in China anyway."

"Threat? What?" Sungmin said, thoroughly confused.

"Tall maknaes! You told me that when you said yes to me. Ring a bell?" Kyuhyun rolled his eyes in exasperation. How could Sungmin not realize what he was doing!?

It took Sungmin two minutes flat to comprehend the information, and when he did, all he could do was to cling to the headboard of his bed so as not to fall, his body wracking with jerks as he laughed his heart out.

"Ya Min! I was really threatened, you know. Don't make fun!" Kyuhyun pouted, crossing his arms across his chest indignantly.

"But - but - it's so funny though," Sungmin gasped in between giggles before he erupted into raucous laughter once again. Kyuhyun could only glare at him until his laughs died down, leaving him with hiccups and occasional choking sounds.

"Min... Do you still have the same type?" Kyuhyun muttered cautiously when Sungmin had finally calmed down, seating himself beside Sungmin on the bed.

"Type?" Sungmin tilted his head to the side, not sure what Kyuhyun was driving at.

"Tall maknaes! Duh," Kyuhyun scowled at the elder. Sungmin can be very dense at times.

"Of course I do," Sungmin nodded, finding it cute that Kyuhyun's expression dropped upon his words.

"So... Sehun and Tao, huh? I guess they could pass as your ty ---" Kyuhyun's words were halted when Sungmin all but smashed their lips together in a searing kiss, the feel of his lover's lips against his taking his doubts away.

Sungmin smiled when they broke apart, resting his forehead against Kyuhyun's, not breaking eye contact.

"I like tall maknaes... but only when it's you."


P.S. Random. Rushed. Blame EXO's Sukira guesting for this.D;
P.S.S. Unbeta'd. Written on my ipod in half an hour or so. Highly incoherent. T^T
P.S.S.S. Ship SeMin with me!!! LOLOL
P.S.S.S.S. Might or might not be going out of town tomorrow up to the weekend. I have to process my enrollment as I plan to pursue a second degree in uni. So I guess no updates 'til Monday next week. Sorry! But this is for my future ~ T^T

genre: fluff, fandom: super junior, verse: expanded, genre: romance, type: one-shot, fandom: exo, rating: pg-13, genre: crack

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