May 01, 2012 01:11

Title: I Got You
Pairing: Yi Xing x Lu Han
Rating: PG-13
Genre: romance, fluff
Warning/s: yaoi, language
Verse: expanded
Type/Status: One-Shot; Complete, 1,413W
Summary: Yi Xing's got Lu Han's back.
A/N: Requested by ryan87ogawa


Lu Han's face paled as he heard the emcee bring up his most hated nickname in the history of nicknames - Marilyn Monroe. He had half a mind of strangling Yi Xing beside him for telling. He decided against it when the emcee gege had already stood up and demonstrated the pop icon's signature pose, asking him to do the same. He was plotting a hundred one ways to execute Yi Xing's slow and painful death as he stood up, but not before giving the latter's thigh a squeeze that was meant to be threatening despite the smile on his face.

Having no choice but to do that wretched pose, Lu Han made a go for it but failed miserably . He was too shy that all he was able to do was cross his hands across his crotch, looking like he badly wanted to pee instead of imitating Marilyn Monroe. Lu Han wanted to throw a tantrum when the host wanted him to pose again, said urge prevented when surprisingly, the "perpetrator" a.k.a. Yi Xing himself, saved him from further embarrassment - telling the host that he was extremely shy. Well, he was, there's no lie in that. He just wondered why Yi Xing of all people would protect him? And ironic too, since it was he himself who got Lu Han into the nickname trouble in the first place. And why did he feel his spine tingle when Yi Xing placed his hand on the small of his back? Weird.

Lu Han was suddenly aware of Yi Xing's knee propped against his own, his skin burning where they touched. He wondered what brought this about. They have always been close and skinship was common for them. Was it because Yi Xing told him that he was feminine? He scowled at this. He may be delicate looking but he wasn't gay... or was he?

He shook his head from side-to-side to rid himself of the sudden unwelcome thoughts, pushing them to the back of his mind as he focused on the interview instead. Thankfully, the interview went smoothly after that without a hitch. Perhaps letting Kris do the talking was indeed the best way to go.

It was a couple days after that particular filming when Lu Han found himself in the very same sentiments again. Their schedule was so jam-packed that he didn't have the time to dwell on the tingle Yi Xing's touch left on his skin, much less sort out his feelings. But the thoughts were inevitably resurfacing on his mind, now that they finally had some off time from the cameras. Technically, they still had to practice so it wasn't exactly a day off. Still, it felt refreshing to be able to move about freely without worrying about being watched. Thus, Lu Han found himself drowning deep in his thoughts as he contemplated about the whole fiasco in his heart. Yes, heart. Since the stubborn organ had been beating wildly ever since Yi Xing had protected him, increasing its tempo every time the other leaned in too close, that Lu Han was quite sure the former could hear his heartbeat if he just listened closely.

"Lu Han? Is there something on my face?" Lu Han jolted from his trance and mentally face palmed as he was faced by Yi Xing's concerned face, the latter touching his own face in random parts, as if expecting to find dirt there.

"Uh, no!" Lu Han hastily replied, his anxiety getting the better out of him as he blurted the first thing that came into his mind. "Your face is gorgeous... I mean, I just wanted to have a dimple like yours."

"Woah you think so? Wanna date me or something?" Yi Xing waggled his eyebrows suggestively at Lu Han, making the latter's cheeks grow impossibly redder than it already was as he closed in on him, trapping him between his body and the mirrored wall of the practice room.

"Jerk! Never!" Lu Han shoved Yi Xing out of the way, wondering whether he was mad because Yi Xing guessed his feelings spot on. He probably was, but it didn't mean that the other should know anyway.

"Calm down, bro! I was just shitting you. Jeez, no need to be so defensive. It actually hurts to see that you're that repulsed by the idea of dating me you know," Yi Xing said with a hint of hurt in his voice, making Lu Han feel guilty of his brash actions.

"Sorry, I was just -"

"No need to explain. I get it. Let's just practice," Yi Xing muttered under his breath, only for Lu Han to hear.

"But what about the others?" Lu Han couldn't help himself. The last thing he wanted right now was to be trapped in a room with the man who was mainly the cause of his troubles nowadays.

"By others, you mean Minseok? Only the dance team's scheduled to practice today. Bao Zi has probably sneaked out to eat in that specialty restaurant he loves so much, again," Yi Xing explained, already placing the CD on the player against the wall.

"Oh," was the only thing Lu Han could say, willing the music drown the complexities of his emotions as he danced, hoping that the awkwardness in the room dissipates as well.

Lu Han had his eyes closed as he retraced the steps from the top, a habit he had acquired since his training days. It was a technique he used so that he could memorize the dance faster, and know his place in the formation even without looking. It had worked fairly well in the past, except that Lu Han hadn't really tried doing it with another person sharing the same dance floor until now.

"Oomph!" Lu Han groaned at the impact, chest colliding with another that was sturdier than his own.

Lu Han's eyes immediately shot open, breath hitching when he came face to face with Yi Xing's equally stricken visage. He immediately retracted himself from the latter, only to discover that he couldn't as the other had both hands placed firmly onto his hips, steadying him which was why he didn't fall. He didn't know what took over him that made him do it, but perhaps it was because of Yi Xing's sultry eyes that seemed to be calling out to him, or his pretty dimples that made him all the more charming, or the long lashes that gave him this certain glow. Perhaps, it was just Yi Xing in general, the man's mere presence that made Lu Han bridge the mere inches that separated their lips and melded them as one.

Sparks shot up Lu Han's spine at the contact, not quite accustomed to the feeling of another's lips on his own. He wondered if he would have felt the same if it were another person he was kissing, but deep inside he knew he wouldn't. It was the man before him, Yi Xing alone, that could make him feel the way he was feeling at the moment - so secure in the warmth that the other's strong arms were providing him. And above all, the steady beating of Yi Xing's heart that was in sync with his own.

They kissed for a good measure before the inevitable need for oxygen made them part, panting as they gazed at each other through   hazy eyes, not able to break the connection they had that was beyond mere eye contact. It was Yi Xing who recovered first, lips turning up into a smirk as he gave Lu Han's nose a swift peck.

"So, you're not interested in dating me yet you're willing to kiss me as if there's no tomorrow? It hurts to know that you only want me for my body, Lu Han," Yi Xinch chided, feigning hurt.

"You're incorrigible! I hate you!" Lu Han punched at Yi Xing's chest, the latter catching his wrists before he could do some serious damage.

Yi Xing took Lu Han's right hand in his and brought it up to his lips, placing a lingering kiss on the latter's knuckles.

"Fine. If you really hate dating me that much, why don't we skip the dating and you agree to become my boyfriend instead?" Yi Xing said with so much sincerity as he looked up, conveying his emotions through the simple gaze he gave the other.

Lu Han figured he couldn't say no even if he wanted to.


P.S. Still practicing to write EXO. Don't brick me. T^T
P.S.S. Unbeta'd. Rushed. As always meh.
P.S.S.S. First post in my new comm and it's not an SJ fic. How ironic! LOL I have an upcoming HaeHyuk though.
P.S.S.S.S. Constructive criticism is highly appreciated. xD

genre: romance, genre: fluff, type: drabble, rating: pg-13, fandom: exo, pairing: yi xing/lu han, verse: expanded

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