Title: Untitled
Author: serialbathera
Fandom: CSI
Prompt: none
Challenge: none
Characters: Warrick Brown
Characters mentioned: Catherine Willows
Pairings: Warrick/Catherine
Rating: Pg-13
Warnings: none
word Count: 111
Summary: A random Warrick/Catherine drabble
Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters
Author’s notes: This is for Kristin
Warrick had loved Catherine since the first moment he laid eyes on her. It was a weird feeling as he had never believed in love at first sight, or so he had thought before. He was glad that he was going to be able to work with her a lot over the months.
He hoped anyway, than maybe they could form a friendship. Then, hopefully that would lead to something else. Warrick was sure that Catherine was a tiger in the sack, and he wanted to test that theory. If not he could go to bed dreaming of her sexy strawberry blond hair, and whispering her name softly in her ear.