Profiler fic: Stranded

Jul 26, 2007 14:54

Title: Stranded
Author: serialbathera
Fandom: Profiler
Prompt: Bailey and Grace talking over peach margaritas, 71 Broken (fanfic100)
Challenge: none
Characters: Grace Alverez, Bailey Malone
Characters mentioned: John Grant, Frances Malone, Morgan Ballard, Arianna Malone, Jason and George Alverez
Pairings: none specified
Rating: None
Warnings: possible spoilers
word Count: 1101
Summary: Set during Season 4, Bailey and Grace get stranded in an airport due to a blizzard.
Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters
Author’s notes: This is for Kristin

The wind howled against the windows of the bathroom, as Dr. Grace Alverez pulled her curly, brown hair into a tight bun, using bobby pins that she had in the bottom of her purse. She wasn’t even sure what time it was because her watch had stopped during the case they had just wrapped up. The light in the bathroom was almost non-existent, so she couldn’t see her cell phone at the moment. She could turn the service light on, but she didn’t want to drain the battery of the phone.

Grace washed her hands and walked back to the bar, where she heard Bailey Malone grumbling to the waitress, who seemed barely old enough to serve them alcohol.

“This isn’t what we ordered.” Bailey pondered the martini glass with the peach concoction on the table.

“This is all the bartender knows how to make.” The waitress voice held panic, and it seemed like she was about to cry.

Grace walked back to the table, and gave the girl a soft smile. “It’s okay, we can drink these.” Grace said maternally. She sat down on the other stool at the table. The material of her black print skirt shifted as she crossed her legs.

The waitress scurried away going back to hide behind the bar with the bartender, who looked like he just hit his 17th birthday. Grace was a bit surprised that the only people who still seemed to be at the airport they were stranded at were teenagers. She wasn’t sure how everyone but the two had managed to get out before the blizzard had started; surely their parents were probably worried.

Bailey seemed on the urge of a complaint, when Grace raised one hand gracefully cutting him off at the pass. Usually, she wouldn’t think to stop her boss from complaining, or at least get a few words in before she stopped him, but they were both exhausted and she knew what he was going to say. They were both tired, and it had been a long case, and now they were stuck in this airport with two teenagers for who knew how long.

Bailey laughed, it amused him a little that she wasn’t going to put up with his crap, tonight. He took a sip of what the waitress had called a peach margarita, he wasn’t sure if that is what it actually was but it tasted pretty good. “What time is it?” He teased with a smirk of an adolescent playing a trick.

Grace thought about rolling her eyes at him, but changed her mind. “You have a watch.” Grace took a small sip of her drink.

Bailey chuckled merrily, “I can’t believe John broke your watch.”

“I am surprised that was the only thing that got injured in the scuffle.” In Akron, John had been leaning in the doorway and had somehow managed to trip and fall on top of Grace, and a rookie officer. The watch had luckily been the only thing broken as it slammed into the tile floor, well than and John’s ego.
Bailey let out a chuckle, before taking another sip of his drink. “I still can’t believe he managed to just fall, he hadn’t moved from that spot for almost fifteen minutes.”

Grace smiled, “Maybe his arm went numb.” She chuckled softly. “He has been acting strange lately though, maybe he needs a vacation.”

“Well, we all are going to have one in a few months.” Bailey commented, looking down at the table grimly. A few months ago, they had gotten word that the VCTF was going to close down. For some reason though, instead of lightening the load, the FBI had decided to give them more cases. Everyone seemed to be working 7 days a week now, and there was a definite darker tone in the air. They were all trying to remain positive, but as the execution date of the VCTF got closer, the less positive they were, especially since last month the CIA confiscated their plane. Now, they had to book their own flights, and this is why Bailey and Grace had gotten stranded at the airport, as the flight the others had gotten was booked.

Bailey starred off into the distance; a stare that Grace knew as the 1,000 yard stare. She didn’t have to even ask what he was thinking; she knew what he was thinking. Bailey had been one of the ones not to mention his plans after the VCTF, probably because it meant the end of his career.

Grace took another sip of her drink. “So, what are you going to do after the VCTF is through?” She put a comforting arm on his, for a second. She figured now was as good of a time as any to ask, especially since they were probably going to be stuck in this airport for awhile.

Bailey blinked hard, and turned his gaze to her. He began to roll up the sleeves of his white button down shirt. “I think I may go to Michigan for awhile, and visit Frannie.”

“How is she doing?” Grace asked with a smile.

Bailey smiled proudly, “Wonderful, she is set to graduate this year or next, depending on if she adds another minor. Then, I think she is going to go to graduate school. She wants to be a college professor.” It was hard to imagine that was the same girl that had shot him almost two years ago. He was so proud of her; she had managed to really get her life together.

“That’s great, Bail.” Grace gave him a warm smile, “I am glad all her previous troubles for the most part are behind her.”

Bailey nodded, there had been nights back then when he was sure he was going to get a phone call from the police that she was dead. He still worried sometimes about both girls, but it was only a parental gnawing in the back of his head, and not a loud, rock music pounding like it had been before. Bailey rubbed his eyes, feeling fatigue setting in. He couldn’t remember the last time he had slept in a bed. “So, how are Little George and Jason are they enjoying the time with their grandmother?”

“They are doing well, but Morgan is a little upset I let them go, he said it isn’t good for them to go out of state.” Grace frowned a little.

“You are a great mother; don’t let Morgan convince you otherwise, Grace.” He gave her a warm smile, which seemed to have far more than friendship in it.

grace, fanfic100, profiler, bailey

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