Sep 19, 2006 11:49

Okay. So an anonymous poster (with my permission) linked the results of my little experiment to the post on the icontest that brought the whole thing about. rose__tinted didn't seem to like it. In fact, she thought that I was said anonymous poster. Which I was not, but it's still funny. Her full comment is posted below (part of my own post is in bold):

Do you really think that we would do that? It's against the rules. We don't break our OWN rules.
It's not like we're THAT dishonest. We submit and vote just like you guys and don't act in any dumb way. Believe it or not, but there still is a few honest people in this world.

"Thing is, yes, it's possible that all mods everywhere are clean and guiltless. Possible, but doubtful. I've seen a lot of coincidences. It makes a person suspicious at times, especially when a comm is being run by teenagers who still run their lives off popularity contests."

That's not fair of you to judge something you have no idea about. That being our morals, our rules, OUR PATHETIC TEENAGE LIVES. I know I'm not run by popularity contest in any aspect of my life. I don't care what anyone judges me as, but I know that I'm also not a little squealing fan girl, over the age of 20 who cream over the thought of till and Paul licking each other. I have other things to care about...such as my life and career, which I have a good grasp on.

I'm sorry that we have disappointed you in some way, but I can promise you that no one has ever submitted two icons unless the rules were that everyone could. If you don't trust us, don't participate. It's simple. It's not too hard. It saves us all from drama.

Despite all of this, there's no reason to be rude. Unfortunately, this is all I've come across with 80% of Rammstein fans. Atleast our "popularity-contest-teenager brains" could figure out how to read the rules to this community.

*claps slowly* Way to get in a tizzy. Here we go:

Number one: "It's not like we're THAT dishonest."

Dishonest, yes. Just not THAT dishonest. XD Sorry, that just made me laugh. We can all learn from this, though: THINK about what you're saying before you say it. If it sounds like you're about to incriminate yourself...well...*shrug* English. It does a brain good.

Number two: "If you don't trust us, don't participate."

Done. XD She followed the links. She saw my username on those two posts. I haven't entered an icon in WEEKS, and I left the comm before I posted my experiment. No minutes wasted on research before posting her comment, obviously.

Number three: "Despite all of this, there's no reason to be rude."

Honey, if I wanted to be rude, I would have made that whole post as a comment, NOT anonymously. Someone else wanted to use my post to call you out; and I allowed it, yes. But what had been said in my journal had already been said, and could easily have been carried over in other ways by other people. AND. Why was the comment made on the icontest, not on my post? Especially when you would have had the blissful chance to stay quiet to everyone else's ears/eyes and not make drama over there since the comments on my post were screened particularly for this purpose and to keep those who commented on that post anonymous to you? *tsk*

Number four: I notice one thing not addressed in her comment: the way the voting can be fixed. Go back and read through it. If you can find where she mentions it, let me know. If you want to point out where she says they're not going to break their own rules, read on before commenting.

Since week #41 (the same week that issues questioning moderation and the way things had been run since the change in moderation had been brought up...), a warning/rule has been neglected. Before then, each poll had a rule saying that one could not vote for their own icons; or the vote would be discounted. Since xsaid_and_donex stopped posting and requiemsreverie and rose__tinted took over, that rule has gone by the wayside. Nothing in the userinfo says it; nothing on any poll post says it. Therefore, it seems that the mods have a possible loophole that my post pointed out. And it wasn't denied. No reason to if it's not breaking the rules. However, older participants who are USED to that rule probably still abide by it, no? Fair? Unfair? Confusing. Either it should be posted in the rules on the userinfo that voting for oneself is now allowed, or they need to start posting the rule in each poll post again. Lack of clarity really does make it unfair. Yes, all that would have to be done is for one person to comment and ask if voting for oneself is allowed; but none of the veterans are going to do that. Not when they're used to the way the rules should be and HAVE been for ages. They're not even going to notice the lack, just clicking on the lj-cut instead to vote for someone else. Hell, I didn't even notice the lack of the rule until today. So all this time people could have voted for themselves? Did they realize? Did anyone else catch that and vote for themselves? And if they did, was the vote discounted? We'll never know, will we? Probably just human oversight, but being in charge of a community and being trusted doesn't allow much room for that for over two months.

Run it right. Stop changing shit around without notifying members. DON'T let mods do anything but keep track of who made what and count the incoming votes. (After all, I'd say that 79 members is a fair number of people, regarding "Can mods enter icons? As of now, yes, but only because we're short on members." Not everyone enters icons, true; but how does letting the mods in fix that? It only puts people up against the mods who seem to win all too frequently. A little discouraging when a new member looks back at the history and sees that. Makes them not want to enter, I'd say. Want more entries? Promote a bit!)

Am I bitter because I've only placed twice? Certainly not. I'm a mediocre iconmaker at best. Obviously, I am aware of this fact.

Is this a witch hunt? Probably, in some people's eyes. But I'm just ranting here. If I wanted to change the minds of the icontest members and was attempting an all out revolt, all this would be going in a comment over there, not here. I'm just ranting here because I know that there are several people who agree with me, at least on a few points if not all of it.

Am I a drama-monger? In some ways, yes. Mostly because I love to see people get upset over things like this post. I give my reasons for leaving and my suspicions here, in my own personal journal. If they get linked here, that's fine. If not, that's fine as well. I've done my rant. And on any public post like this, I'll screen comments so that people who want to comment here will only be seen by me. It's safe for friends and otherwise that way.

Basically what I'm saying is that if the mods over at the icontest get linked here and want to see me satisfied, get upset. Leave a comment. Make a post. Ban me from commenting over there. Whatever you like. If I were really starting shit with you, I'd go to your personal journal or leave a post on the icontest. But I don't care about you or your goings-on THAT much. I'm just bored and like to rant in my own journal. Oh, and pitying me for not having anything better to do will just get you laughed at as well. Just letting you know. ;)

Best course of action? Leave it. Let me have my opinion. You're not going to change it. Everything you say to the opposite will do anything BUT change my mind.
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