Part three of three (the whole point, which I'm going to TRY to keep from turning into a rant)

Sep 15, 2006 06:15

All right, results are in. Just bear with me on this, and remember that I mentioned yesterday that this was for my own satisfaction about something.

- 1 vote

- 1 vote

- 0 vote

- 1 vote

- 1 vote

- 2 votes

- 2 votes

- 1 vote

Which was right?

(nice job, thepinkbyrd ^_~ )

Now. Here's the catch. You guys all had a better chance of being right than you thought. If you'd chosen this one:

you would have also been right.

What's my point here?

Posted recently on an icontest comm regarding how easy it would be for mods to cheat: "There's no way to cheat the votes, guys." I beg to differ. I'll get to the actual votes later. However, think about the poll in my last entry as having been the type where you vote for your favorite and the one with most votes wins first, second, or third place. Since I had put in TWO icons instead of the ONE that everyone else submitted, I had a better chance of someone clicking on one of mine than anyone else. And since the filenames were purposefully totally non-descript, there was no way of telling who had posted what icon. Therefore, all it would take for cheating to occur would be for a crooked mod to submit as many icons as they liked. Two of them won? Give credit to one of their friends who's in on the whole thing, possibly another mod.

Now. Votes. It can be close sometimes. Ties, etc. Easy to be fixed, in a way. Especially when polls are set up the way mine was: no one except the original poster able to view who voted for what. The mod in question who is about to post results sees that they're one vote away from placing in the top three. Luckily, said mod hasn't voted yet, particularly for this reason. We all know it's against the rules to vote for your own icon, but who's going to know? A quick click and submit and oh, lookie there, the mod placed. How lucky for them.

How easy was that? Now, as I said, this is mostly for my own satisfaction of being able to prove my point without stirring up drama once more over there, especially when everyone's already voiced the opinion opposite mine. Thing is, yes, it's possible that all mods everywhere are clean and guiltless. Possible, but doubtful. I've seen a lot of coincidences. It makes a person suspicious at times, especially when a comm is being run by teenagers who still run their lives off popularity contests. Yes, I'm judgmental, untrusting, and, sure, call me prejudiced. I. Don't. Trust. Them. While this proves nothing about how things have gone down in the comm, it proves that the statement that the polls can't be fixed is wrong. It's all too easy.

So yeah, that's what this was all about. Just proving a point. Thanks to under_season, eviltwin737, mein_zwitter, joy_n, aquila0212, and bloody_adorable for their contributions to the icons when you didn't even know what the POINT of all this was and to everyone who voted as well. ;)
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