I laugh, and laugh, and LAUGH, and LAUGH...

Sep 24, 2006 17:47

Okay, first, if you missed it, read this entry.

Rina aka Schnixy von Doom (requiemsreverie) wrote in ramm_icontest,
@ 2006-09-23 22:34:00

Admin Postness

Okay so...

We seem to have had a problem with unfair voting this week and to be honest it really was never in the rules but has been added now. Nothing's going to happen this week except the votes will be discounted to be fair to the other icon makers. I guess that rule seemed pretty obvious but it's in writting now and can't be contradicted. So here it is.

[002] Do not and I repeat DO NOT cheat. This means voting for yourself or using extra account things like that and yes it gets noticed. Usually when one person gets six or seven votes from usernames we've never seen before? It's an indication of foul play and you will get suspended or banned for doing so.

Okay? It's all good you guys just wanted to make everything clear. No hard feelings just no more of that.

Thanks for giving me your attention for a minute. Results for the voting will be up in a little bit ^-^


*still can't stop giggling* God, if they wanted to tell me I was right, wouldn't it have been easier for them to just post a comment saying that I was?

The coincedence is overwhelming. And I can't stop fucking LAUGHING.

Oh...wait...hear that?



*metal and glass tinkling to the ground*

*discreetly lights a match*

*tosses it towards the wreckage*

Crash and burn, baby.

Edit: Oh, and rose__tinted's comment replying to this admin post?

that's low...

this communtiy should be friends only.


Edit #2: Okay, something's bugging me about this. This rule wasn't set in stone until after the votes were counted. AFTER the poll was set up this week. Yet the votes from people voting for themselves are discounted? Since when are rules like that retroactive? The votes were placed according to the rules in place at the time the poll was posted. Therefore, this discounting of votes is utter bullshit. Either the votes should be counted exactly as they came in, or they should post a new poll with a recount (which still isn't totally fair, but it would prove who would win under the new rule).

And ironically, after the "retroactive rule" was posted, the winner turns out to be on the f-list of one of the mods.

I would love it if they recounted (which I know they won't). They would have officially become the Bush administration of LJ then. And the voters who RE-VOTE would be Florida.

The rest of us can be the other countries who point and laugh and/or *rolleyes*.
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