Fandom : Supernatural
Title : 'O Come, O Come Emmanuel'
Music : 'O Come, O Come Emmanuel' performed by Enya
Description: Castiel and his search for God.
Warnings: Gen
Length : 2.10mins
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Tiny WMB 7.5mB, Small AVI 38mB ,
Med AVI 55mB (files zipped) Embedded under cut.
Lyrics Password is castiel
Vidder Notes : Feeling a little like a shop with the decorations up too early, but hey this is an Advent carol and the first Sunday in Advent is the 27th Novvember so indulge me ok? I had this song on the list last year for Castiel but didn't have time and as the character development would have it - the full story yet. Misha Collins perfomance as Castiel has been the highlight of this series for me (I also love Bobby btw ) and I can't say that I'm delighted how it all went down at the end of S6 but I'm not a writer, so there you go. I guess viewers will read into this what they will (please do - I would be happy if you just enjoyed it) but just to say this is my brief look at Castiel's unsuccessful attempt to find God and his loss of faith.
Enjoy and comments are loved.