This kind of evolved into the 30 weeks of vidding - such a slacker me.
Previous Days are here
Days 1-2 Days 3- 5 Days 6-10 Days 11-13 Days 14- 17 18 - Where do you get the most inspiration for your vids from?
Vid bunnies are inspired for the most part, by music. Song lyrics/mood or melody is what I start with. If I want to vid a fandom or film and I don't have the song first then I get into all kinds of trouble.
19 - When you have vid ideas, do you sit down and start vidding right away, or do you write down the idea for further exploration later?
Oh to be able to start the process the minute an idea strikes. Sadly I don't live in bizarro world. Sometimes the really strong ideas have to be tackled sooner rather than later i.e. earmark the weekend, or they just eat you up. As a rule I copy the song - I don't need notes as the minute the song generates the idea I never forget - into the Vid Shortlist folder in My Music. There it will sit with around 15 others waiting for me to pick the next project. Once I decide which to start then I may make notes against lyrics or for instrumentals, a break down of the piece's structure.
20 - Do you ever get ideas inspired from other people's stories, vids, or art in the same fandom?
Apart from the very first inspiration from other peoples vids to start vidding myself, then no. To be perfectly honest my reactions tend to be 'OMG fantastic'and/or 'OMG I am crap and shouldn't bother' but I cannot recall a single instance where someone else's vid has inspired me to rush out and make vid. I will admire and make mental notes on techniques and effects that I may
think will be useful, but never been inspired. They have on many occasion been the catalyst to watch a film or show.
21 - Sequels - Have you ever created a sequel to a vid you made, and if so, why, and if not, how do you feel about sequels?
No, and personally I have nothing against them but have never felt the need to pick up a story again. I don't tend to vid AU's so perhaps that is why.
22 - Have you ever participated in a fest or a Big Bang? If so, write about your favorite experience in relation to one. If not, are there any you've thought about doing? And if not, why not?
No I haven't. Primarily I vid for myself. I have made gift vids as surprises,there's no pressure or expectation on those. However the minute there's a deadline and a song to find for a project that hasn't evolved in the normal way, it's not going to end well. Also it' a confidence thing, I can cope well with my own disappointment at vids never quite being what you'd envisaged but I'd hate to impose that on another - even if I am sure they'd leave very polite feedback.
23 - When you post, where do you post to? Just your journal? Just an archive? Your own personal site?
I have my own site
Art of Vidding. Everything is on there for downloading and links to streams. I also announce on my journal and some relevant vidding/fandom Livejournal communities, as this tends to generate most reaction. As for streaming, no one site is perfect so I tend to have several sites - Vimeo is the best quality but I password protect, Viddler doesn't (at present) have copyright problems so I put everything there and link to that for my website. I also embed vids on ning groups and Buffytube. Finally there are about half of my vids on YouTube that I've actually posted.