World-Breaking and Mind-Building [Closed, Complete]

Oct 22, 2008 20:30

Characters: Mewtwo, Zetsu
Setting: Greenhouse, Maid's Hallway.
Time: Day 003, Later Afternoon (After the thread with Yukimi)
Summary: Mewtwo finds something that surprises him.
Warnings: Mewtwo.

What. )

!day 003, mewtwo (pokémon), !complete, zetsu (naruto)

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Comments 49

weeatbodies October 23 2008, 00:54:21 UTC
Zetsu had been on his way back to his bedroom before he heard the rush of air, announcing someone arriving--fast. Loud and fast enough to spook him a little, simply because he didn't know anybody here who would have any reason to be moving that fast unless it were bad news. Zetsu whipped around to face this newcomer, ready to get out of the way to make sure he wouldn't be crushed simply by their passage--and was confronted with a with a tall, humanoid, vaguely feline figure, with angry, intelligent eyes and a blazing blue aura that crackled with palpable power. He'd never seen anything like it before; for a moment, Zetsu simply stared as the newcomer locked eyes with him, amazed. That kind of power shouldn't be possible to manifest so tangibly, that was like the aura a jinchuuriki had when its power was leaking from its seal ( ... )


replicat October 23 2008, 01:20:36 UTC

Mewtwo was caught off guard when the strange Pokémon responded telepathically, and his tail twitched reflexively, jerking spasmodically through the air in surprise. No one had ever answered him like... no one had given him an answer telepathically before. And the amount of energy he was reading... what was this energy? It wasn't psychic power. It wasn't any power Mewtwo had met before. Was this... really another Pokémon? Doubt took over his thoughts briefly. It was like some sort of internal power, more earthly and... physical. Zetsu was an unknown Pokémon, with an unknown but substantial amount of power. Another world of origin, then? Mewtwo didn't know. The Pokémon narrowed his eyes. He'd said he was a ninja. A fighting-type then? Fighting and grass, given the leaves. Mewtwo should have been able to feel that instinctively, but... anger trickled through him at the passing thought. How dare they limit his power...

[My name is Mewtwo.] He sent the introduction back through the established Mental link, shielding his anger from ( ... )


weeatbodies October 23 2008, 01:47:16 UTC
Zetsu noted the tail jerk with mild curiosity, though he didn't give it any great amount of thought; he supposed that this newcomer--Mewtwo, he'd said, that rather confirmed the vaguely feline features--hadn't expected a mental answer. After all, he did look quite unique, far different from any of the other people that populated this house.... Why would he have expected anyone to do so? It made sense.

Inexperienced as he was with mental anything, beyond basic telepathy, Zetsu was quite oblivious to shielding or anything of the sort, including Mewtwo blocking out his own emotions--but even he could deduce that the pokémon was indeed a powerful psychic. [It's nice to meet you.] He offered, wondering just what to say--when he wasn't sure what this place was, how could he really hope to give a concrete answer, much less a correct one? [I don't really know. This is a house, probably on another world from any that we know. As far as I can tell, it's completely unbreachable, and time is extremely distorted here. It gets dangerous at night ( ... )


replicat October 23 2008, 02:11:03 UTC
[Another world...?] The stories were too similar for coincidence. Unaware of Zetsu's ignorance, Mewtwo added layers of psychic shielding to conceal his thoughts--it was a similar procedure to the method he used to shield against the attacks of other psychic Pokémon, who did predictably nothing when they attempted to breath his interior defences. Was most of what that human had said true? 'Completely unbreachable'--he knew that already from personal experience, but he still needed more. Time distortion and monsters... well, one, at least, was no worry to him. [So it is true,] Mewtwo confirmed, reaching back out through the connection he'd formed. [There really is no escape.] He spoke hypothetically, of course. There was doubtless a way out of something like this, even if it wasn't immediately available or obvious. He didn't put it past the weaker residents (if there were more, Zetsu and Yukimi had, after all, existed entirely outside of his 'radar ( ... )


weeatbodies October 23 2008, 02:24:58 UTC
[I think so. There are too many different, strange people here for the situation to be anything but that. I've never heard of the places most people here are from.] Zetsu confirmed, nodding. [That is true. If there is an exit, it's either extremely well-hidden, or we're unable to use it until some unknown requirement has been filled.] And that suggestion, of course, ranged from everything from beating some crazed mastermind in a game, to defeating all the ghosts before they could respawn, to figuring out what had happened to previous residents and somehow solving that problem before it claimed them, too.

Zetsu's expression remained unchanged, and no hint of untoward emotions was filtered in through their psychic link; there was no evidence that he had felt Mewtwo's efforts at trying to enter his mind at all. [Where I'm from is known as the Shinobi Continent; I'm originally from Kusa no Kuni.] The Land of Grass, which would only further confirm Mewtwo's thoughts of him being a Grass-type, no doubt. [And yourself?] He was probably from ( ... )


replicat October 23 2008, 02:53:16 UTC

[Shinobi Continent?] Mewtwo had never heard of such a place. While he had admittedly never taken the time to fly all around the world (it seemed an unnecessary and exhausting enterprise), he was intimately familiar with the continent of Kanto and its surrounding landmasses and islands. The land of grass, however... Mewtwo found himself imagining a haven for plant Pokémon hidden deep within one of the other continents. There were such havens, even in Kanto, Mewtwo knew. His own mountain retreat was inaccessible from anywhere else except the sky and invisible to anyone who was unaware of its existence. It was the only way to have it, really. His clones could never survive in a world that was not made for them. They belonged in Kanot no more than he did. That thought sobered him a little, just in time for the painful task of explaining where he came from. The glow dissipated from his eyes as he spoke telepathically. [I am from the Kanto continent... I was born in a laboratory on an island, which I later reclaimed as my own. It has ( ... )


weeatbodies October 23 2008, 03:14:09 UTC
Zetsu nodded again. [It's called that because the style I fight with is localized within it; very few from the rest of the world are trained in such things.] He listened attentively to the explanation, expression darkening a little with the beginnings of sympathetic anger as he considered the implications of such a thing. Being born in a laboratory meant being an experiment, meant being less than human, meant being some project at the whims of whoever was in charge of your creation.... It meant the sort of things Orochimaru had done, that the rest of Konohagakure had condemned him so heavily for. The sort of things that he wouldn't have minded so much if it were voluntary experiments, or even (though he disliked that option as well, perhaps because that was a fate that awaited so damned many of his countrymen) prisoners of war....

But for someone to be born into a laboratory, to not have a choice, to not deserve it.... That was an entirely different matter, and it quite frankly sickened him. Mewtwo wasn't some mindless beast, some ( ... )


replicat October 23 2008, 03:41:05 UTC
Mewtwo landed. It wasn't a very common thing for him to do, and not one he did when he didn't plan to be someplace for a while, but he was going to expend less power in order to keep a better reign on himself. For now. His hands remained fists, however.

[...I see.] He'd said much the same thing to the human earlier and he'd just gotten the same response from Zetsu, but he had been given a lot to think about on both accounts and he needed time to process it. He stared at Zetsu long and hard. So this Pokémon was a specialised fighter... Mewtwo could understand that and was inherently curious about what it entailed. Now was not the time, however, and he cast such thoughts aside like so much rubbish. He'd deal with them later. [The master of this house is leaving you notes, playing with you... this is a game, then.] That was the only conclusion, and it made Mewtwo even angrier. More than the video game, more than being trapped or controlled, the very notion that he was being played with infuriated the Pokémon beyond any human words. [And ( ... )


weeatbodies October 23 2008, 03:57:11 UTC
Even on the ground, Mewtwo was impressively tall; Zetsu stared back at him, this time meeting his gaze calmly as his own anger simmered down. [There is no master of the house.] He corrected Mewtwo, quietly but firmly, managing to keep his frustration to a surprisingly low key in his mental voice. [None that we've been able to find, at least--and I and others have combed this house room by room for days, and found nobody who could claim ownership of it. The notes are from people who were trapped here before--people who are now ghosts and probably monsters, as well. Clues, warnings, maybe their own private musings--we're not always sure what exactly they are, but we still try to make sense of them. We're not sure if they're from when the people were alive still, or already dead or monstrous, of if there's a mixture.He shook his head, again trying to force his frustration down and project some sense of calm to Mewtwo, the steadiness of mind and resolve of one who had a purpose, and who wouldn't allow themselves to get distracted by their ( ... )


replicat October 23 2008, 04:08:26 UTC

Mewtwo stared at Zetsu, only it was a different kind of stare this time. It was a stare that defied Zetsu to challenge him, one that dared the other Pokémon to push his luck. This had been done before? Notes from people formerly trapped? Mewtwo closed his eyes to keep a rein on his temper. There was a lot in what had just been said, but it would take him a while to fully comprehend the details. People turned into monsters or ghosts, a supposedly ownerless house... to Mewtwo, traps, puzzles, and games were all the same thing, and all equally infuriating. They were also all equally beneath him. [Let me see these notes then,] he commanded Zetsu, opening his eyes again with a new sense of determination. [I will make sense of them. Then we may leave.]


replicat October 25 2008, 05:56:41 UTC
Mewtwo stared at Zetsu for a moment, silent. [... I see. In that case, allow me to explain... Pokémon are creatures that vary widely in size and form... however, they all possess special powers not seen in human beings,] he began at last, weighing his words carefully as he spoke. [Usually their appearance has some correspondence with their abilities, which are generally classed into various 'types.' I will spare you the details of that for now.] The psychic Pokémon eyed Zetsu's leaves silently. [Supposedly humans and Pokémon have worked together in harmony since the dawn of time. I would not know about that. However.] His voice started to reflect his disgust, but he continued tersely. [Many humans use Pokémon for battle, and these humans are called 'trainers.' These humans go wherever Pokémon are found to capture and train them, occasionally engaging in a sort of primitive teamwork. Tame Pokémon are also also occasionally treated as companions, pets, or even--rarely--'friends.'] That was difficult for Mewtwo to say, but it could not ( ... )


weeatbodies October 25 2008, 07:28:24 UTC
Zetsu listened intently, eyes fixed on Mewtwo as the pokémon explained. His mind whirled, harder than it had since this meeting with Mewtwo had begun; the psychic might have been able to feel some confusion and uncertainty through their link, even a little wonder. He'd never really learned much about the traditions of his father's family, and most of the secrets of his own were known only to the women.... And yet, both families were decidedly inhuman in some aspects, with some abilities (bloodlines, was that just another word used for it, when it happened in pokémon human enough to 'pass'?) not seen in other humans, even other ninjas, no matter how different they looked from one another. They worked with the rest of the village, they fought and protected and trained each other....

Was.... was it possible? Did they just not have that kind of word available to them? Was that why they were so different, why he never knew what to say when people asked not who he was, but what? He had always been his work in his own mind, but maybe it ( ... )


replicat October 25 2008, 08:20:20 UTC
[... do you speak the human language?] Mewtwo asked, realising this had not been addressed. [Most Pokémon speak only their own language... this is not concrete, however, so I suppose it does not matter.] Mewtwo himself was an exception to this, as he technically spoke all languages simply by default, but there was also that one Meowth he had taken a clone of... [Perhaps the simplest way to determine this would be through battle.] He would have to be careful so as not to accidentally kill or knock this Zetsu creature out, but surely it could be done. The light returned to his eyes as he began to physically manifest his psychic powers and he rose off the ground again, displaced air beginning to swirl around him as he broadened the area his powers occupied. [I will be careful not to kill you,] he informed Zetsu, blowing the swirling wind away from himself in a perfect sphere. [This will be the perfect way to determine whether or not you truly are a Pokémon.]


weeatbodies October 25 2008, 08:30:35 UTC
"[I do.]" Zetsu confirmed, spoken words echoing the psychic ones as confirmation. [Though I speak with plants and animals as well.] He was, for all intents and purposes, quite the polyglot. He found himself getting a little alarmed as Mewtwo proposed a battle, but swallowed his anxiety, nodding as Mewtwo rose off of the ground. He didn't relish the idea of getting too hurt before nightfall, but he could tough it out; he was a born fighter, after all. And if it set Mewtwo's mind at ease.... well, really, he was actually curious himself. Maybe this was for the best. [Thank you. I would promise the same, if I thought that were an issue,] Zetsu offered that token concession to what he knew was probably a superior battle prowess already, considering the psychic powers Mewtwo had already so casually manifested. [but I don't understand how a fight would determine anything.Regardless, Zetsu resolved to be ready, moving to stand next to the greenhouse door before settling into a ready position. He didn't want to be caught off-guard by the ( ... )


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