World-Breaking and Mind-Building [Closed, Complete]

Oct 22, 2008 20:30

Characters: Mewtwo, Zetsu
Setting: Greenhouse, Maid's Hallway.
Time: Day 003, Later Afternoon (After the thread with Yukimi)
Summary: Mewtwo finds something that surprises him.
Warnings: Mewtwo.

What. )

!day 003, mewtwo (pokémon), !complete, zetsu (naruto)

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replicat October 25 2008, 05:56:41 UTC
Mewtwo stared at Zetsu for a moment, silent. [... I see. In that case, allow me to explain... Pokémon are creatures that vary widely in size and form... however, they all possess special powers not seen in human beings,] he began at last, weighing his words carefully as he spoke. [Usually their appearance has some correspondence with their abilities, which are generally classed into various 'types.' I will spare you the details of that for now.] The psychic Pokémon eyed Zetsu's leaves silently. [Supposedly humans and Pokémon have worked together in harmony since the dawn of time. I would not know about that. However.] His voice started to reflect his disgust, but he continued tersely. [Many humans use Pokémon for battle, and these humans are called 'trainers.' These humans go wherever Pokémon are found to capture and train them, occasionally engaging in a sort of primitive teamwork. Tame Pokémon are also also occasionally treated as companions, pets, or even--rarely--'friends.'] That was difficult for Mewtwo to say, but it could not ( ... )


weeatbodies October 25 2008, 07:28:24 UTC
Zetsu listened intently, eyes fixed on Mewtwo as the pokémon explained. His mind whirled, harder than it had since this meeting with Mewtwo had begun; the psychic might have been able to feel some confusion and uncertainty through their link, even a little wonder. He'd never really learned much about the traditions of his father's family, and most of the secrets of his own were known only to the women.... And yet, both families were decidedly inhuman in some aspects, with some abilities (bloodlines, was that just another word used for it, when it happened in pokémon human enough to 'pass'?) not seen in other humans, even other ninjas, no matter how different they looked from one another. They worked with the rest of the village, they fought and protected and trained each other....

Was.... was it possible? Did they just not have that kind of word available to them? Was that why they were so different, why he never knew what to say when people asked not who he was, but what? He had always been his work in his own mind, but maybe it ( ... )


replicat October 25 2008, 08:20:20 UTC
[... do you speak the human language?] Mewtwo asked, realising this had not been addressed. [Most Pokémon speak only their own language... this is not concrete, however, so I suppose it does not matter.] Mewtwo himself was an exception to this, as he technically spoke all languages simply by default, but there was also that one Meowth he had taken a clone of... [Perhaps the simplest way to determine this would be through battle.] He would have to be careful so as not to accidentally kill or knock this Zetsu creature out, but surely it could be done. The light returned to his eyes as he began to physically manifest his psychic powers and he rose off the ground again, displaced air beginning to swirl around him as he broadened the area his powers occupied. [I will be careful not to kill you,] he informed Zetsu, blowing the swirling wind away from himself in a perfect sphere. [This will be the perfect way to determine whether or not you truly are a Pokémon.]


weeatbodies October 25 2008, 08:30:35 UTC
"[I do.]" Zetsu confirmed, spoken words echoing the psychic ones as confirmation. [Though I speak with plants and animals as well.] He was, for all intents and purposes, quite the polyglot. He found himself getting a little alarmed as Mewtwo proposed a battle, but swallowed his anxiety, nodding as Mewtwo rose off of the ground. He didn't relish the idea of getting too hurt before nightfall, but he could tough it out; he was a born fighter, after all. And if it set Mewtwo's mind at ease.... well, really, he was actually curious himself. Maybe this was for the best. [Thank you. I would promise the same, if I thought that were an issue,] Zetsu offered that token concession to what he knew was probably a superior battle prowess already, considering the psychic powers Mewtwo had already so casually manifested. [but I don't understand how a fight would determine anything.Regardless, Zetsu resolved to be ready, moving to stand next to the greenhouse door before settling into a ready position. He didn't want to be caught off-guard by the ( ... )


replicat October 25 2008, 09:13:27 UTC
Glow vanishing from his eyes, Mewtwo waited while Zetsu moved into a more appropriate position and considered how best to start this battle. The entity before him was clearly at least partially plant type, and Mewtwo guessed that if there was a secondary type it was almost certainly Fighting... except he wasn't used to guessing, he was used to intuitively knowing--his psychic powers were such that he always simply knew what types the other Pokémon encompassed... but then, he was also used to simply having access to the thoughts and surface workings of other people's minds, so there wasn't anything he could do about it except rage privately about the limitations being placed upon his power. That aside, Mewtwo decided it would be better to throw Zetsu an incompletely powered Shadow Ball as a test, just to see how the leafy being would react.

Twisting sideways, Mewtwo abruptly manifested a black sphere of energy between his three-fingers hands and psycically launched it at Zetsu at high velocity.


weeatbodies October 25 2008, 09:50:28 UTC
Seeing Mewtwo move to start the fight, Zetsu did as well, yanking the greenhouse door open. Before he could start the seals though, he saw the black sphere hurtling at him, and leapt to avoid it. The quick move kept him from being slammed upside the head by it, though he still wasn't fast enough to avoid it entirely; the sphere slammed into his stomach, driving the breath straight out of him in a cry of pain as he was thrown off his feet; pain radiated outwards from the point of the blow, and he felt certain he would bruise terrifically soon enough. The force carried him through the air even as the sphere dissipated, and he probably would have been thrown straight through the wall and into a bedroom if this was any normal house--in here though, he probably would have just slammed into it and possibly broken a few bones ( ... )


replicat October 25 2008, 10:30:37 UTC
Wha...? Mewtwo stared in confusion as Zetsu vanished into a wall, only to have have his question answered seconds later as Zetsu appeared out of one, lunging at him. The psychic Pokémon was sufficiently surprised to let Zetsu get one hit in, but the resulting psychic backlash as Mewtwo blasted Zetsu with a Psywave should have been enough to send his opponent flying back into the walls again. The blue wave of psychic energy certainly was potent enough. He'd only half hedged it.

Unfortunately, Mewtwo couldn't seem to get anything to go right after that. At first he was whirling to face the location where he'd seen Zetsu launch himself out from, then he was suddenly flying into the wall and barely managed to keep from doing that by crashing into the floor. Unfortunately, he'd really meant to go up. He tried to figure out a solution as he skidded harshly across the floor. What were these attacks? He'd never seen anything like them before! Unfortunately for Zetsu, Mewtwo could tell that something had been done to his internal workings and ( ... )


weeatbodies October 25 2008, 11:39:12 UTC
Another grunt of pain, this one harsher than the last; his entire body throbbed with it, dazzlingly so. Zetsu barely managed the concentration necessary to go into the wall instead of hitting it full-force. Still, he couldn't help a swell of satisfaction as he saw that his ploy had worked; Mewtwo was definitely having trouble with his motor functions, psychic or not. The explosion of psychic energy was almost awe-inspiring; suddenly, he was exceedingly grateful that this little match was only a bit of practice to test Mewtwo's theory. [I'm glad you think so; they're not exactly common.Zetsu emerged again, though this time he chose to hang back rather than assault the feline; his hands moved through a few seals, and the room shifted subtly, the walls, floor, and ceiling stirring and pulsing as though something crawled just beneath the surface. And indeed, something did--fine wires burst forth from the flat surfaces at every angle, lacing across the room to try and snare Mewtwo and pierce him through; those that hit, if any, would treat ( ... )


replicat October 25 2008, 12:29:58 UTC
...Mewtwo wasn't used to taking defencive action. He had no idea what kind of attacks Zetsu was using, however, and he didn't want to destroy the inside of the Greenhouse in the process, so that was what he would do. Abandoning the shadow ball and crossing his arms tightly in front of himself, he withdrew the Barrier more tightly around himself to create a solid ball of power, pumping more and more psychic energy into it before expanding it outward as a violent force, an all-consuming sphere to destroy the cross-crossing lines that were aiming for him.

He cast about for Zetsu's power-laced presence, trying to sense the other entity with his psychic powers before his opponent could do any possible damage (preposterous) to him. However, the house put such a severe damper on him that he could feel almost nothing, except...

Wait, those were illusions?!


weeatbodies October 25 2008, 12:54:23 UTC
The wires flew straight and true, meeting absolutely no resistance; they pierced the Barrier as though it weren't there at all, tangling around Mewtwo to immobilize and melt him with deadly (though not real) efficiency. In the meantime, Zetsu's presence could be sensed near the greenhouse door, as he finished making seals, rather pleased to see that his tactic was at least working superficially. The foliage in the greenhouse rustled, as though a stiff wind were blowing through it--rather than a gale though, it was the foliage itself that blew through, the leaves tearing themselves from their branches and flying through the door, attacking Mewtwo in a maelstrom of razor-sharp edges and dagger-like points.


replicat October 25 2008, 13:28:00 UTC
PAIN.Illusion or not, the wires or lines passed through the Barrier and wrapped around Mewtwo's long limbs and body, causing the psychic Pokémon unanticipated amounts of pain. It also overrode the very simple limitations he'd put on his power. Mewtwo had never been in pain before--never, not even in his battle with Mew, had he experienced more than mere physical discomfort and now was not the time he'd ever expected to start. It lanced through his body and seemed to take control of all of it. And somehow, through it, he felt was being restrained ( ... )


weeatbodies October 25 2008, 13:51:17 UTC
The barely-contained explosion of psychic power quite handily obliterated Zetsu's illusion, breaking Mewtwo's mind free of its confines. For a long, long moment, Zetsu could do nothing but stare; if he'd thought the blaze Mewtwo had used to banish his medical jutsu's effects was impressive, then this metaphorically blew him away. So that was how Mewtwo reacted to pain.....? He hoped he was never immediately nearby when it happened, simply for his own safety. It was an explosive reaction, to be sure ( ... )


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