World-Breaking and Mind-Building [Closed, Complete]

Oct 22, 2008 20:30

Characters: Mewtwo, Zetsu
Setting: Greenhouse, Maid's Hallway.
Time: Day 003, Later Afternoon (After the thread with Yukimi)
Summary: Mewtwo finds something that surprises him.
Warnings: Mewtwo.

What. )

!day 003, mewtwo (pokémon), !complete, zetsu (naruto)

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Comments 49

replicat October 25 2008, 23:39:39 UTC
[I think that for now I am going to consider you a Pokémon,] Mewtwo announced to him, letting the glow in his eyes flicker and fade. [While I do not recognise any attacks from before that thing...] Mewtwo's eyes bore into Zetsu's searchingly, though they remained cold and aloof. [...the last attack you just performed is almost certainly Razor Leaf.] If not, it was definitely something very like it. The psychic Pokémon looked around at the scattered greenery, saying nothing for a moment after that. Why did the effects of that one attack last? He did not understand. In a moment, he would try to dispel it. But before that...

[Thanks to you, however, I am now positive that this house's walls and ceiling cannot be destroyed simply by mere force.] While Mewtwo could, if he wished, create a much (much) bigger explosion simply with his powers alone, he saw no point in it. The building's infrastructure, he could see now, had taken absolutely no damage whatsoever from their experimental battle... not even from his own final action. [And you ( ... )


weeatbodies October 26 2008, 20:52:30 UTC
So.... for now, he was a pokémon. For now? That was a little confusing. Hadn't Mewtwo said that a fight would determine whether or not he was a pokémon? Zetsu opted not to question it, instead simply nodding and looking back, uncomfortable though the probing gaze was. [I hadn't thought there was a name for it.... But what came before it was a type of genjutsu.] It looked like they would both get names for things they hadn't known, then. He felt a little bad for stripping off so much foliage from the greenhouse in the attack, but he knew that it didn't matter, not here--this greenhouse regrew at an incredible rate, far exceeding anything he'd seen outside of forced growth through jutsus.

[Many have tried before, with many methods--I guess we can collectively cross off psychic force as a possible escape route, then.] Zetsu agreed. Just from being slammed around by (what he assumed were) blasts that had their true power held back, he knew that a normal building should have come down around their ears from their little spar. There really ( ... )


replicat October 27 2008, 05:29:35 UTC
... nothing got rid of the horrible feeling that filled his body. He tried to control his rage. Genjutsu? He frowned at Zetsu--a rare moment of full expression, though it was by far the most common facial expression that he was capable of. [I have never heard of that word before,] he confessed tersely. It appeared there were a great many firsts here... this one being far less offencive than the rest.

The Pokémon paused when Zetsu gifted him an image. Mio Amakura was human... Mewtwo memorised her features easily, taking note of minor distinctions that would (hopefully) distinguish her from other female types. He wished to avoid as many humans as was possible during this--knowing who he was making possible exceptions for was helpful. [So that is your friend. I shall seek her out later and see what she has to say,] he told the ninja after another pause to consider the rest. This Pokémon seemed largely ignorant of trainers (how could this be?), so Mewtwo granted him a little advice. [I would recommend that you be be careful of these in ( ... )


weeatbodies October 27 2008, 05:57:55 UTC
Zetsu was a bit surprised at the frown, but accepted it without comment; most people looked displeased when they were confused, anyway. [Genjutsu is one of the special techniques I've learned to fight with, illusions and other things affecting the mind itself.] He nodded at Mewtwo's confirmation. [She has more experience with puzzles like these than I do; her insight is invaluable.] And hopefully valuable enough to keep her safe, because he really didn't want to get between them to stop a fight.... Would that camera work on psychic powers? If it worked on his clones, and on vectors, he thought it might have a chance, and that seemed as though it would be rather debilitating. [She also knows much more about ghosts than I do. There are many of them in this house at night; have you dealt with them before?]

Mewtwo's assumption was correct; he found himself quite surprised by the images of pokéballs, but committed them to memory as well, turning them over in his mind to try and remember the common features between them all. [I see. How ( ... )


replicat November 7 2008, 21:47:39 UTC
The third attack that he launched against the door was the last one, but it was powerful enough that Mewtwo drifted back a little, his long purple tail whipping around angrily. No. NO! He would not be trapped here! He would not be confined! The Pokémon's aura of energy expanded massively, fluctuating and flaring up as a sphere of blue energy formed around him. His three fingers clenched together. Had there been any loose objects or furniture within the hallway, they would have been destroyed in this, but instead the invisible telekinetic assault flailed wildly through the room (narrowly missing Zetsu) and dissipated, and the sphere compacted before being shot at the door in a beam.

Needless to say, it was useless.

Mewtwo's temper fit ended as quickly as it began and he landed silently, simmering, before turning to regard Zetsu coldly.

[...fine.] The end of the Pokémon's tail twisted as he ceased broad projection, speaking only in Zetsu's mind. [You have made your point. What can be done about this?]


weeatbodies November 13 2008, 06:26:02 UTC
By the time Mewtwo had started flailing with his psychic energy, Zetsu had thankfully backed away again, pressed against the wall to minimize the target space he would offer as well as he could. He was relieved to see that the attack ended soon after, though his eyes were still dazzled and his mind still reeled from the display of raw power that the beam had shown. Hoping he wouldn't only be making Mewtwo angrier, he offered the only advice he could. [I'm not sure. If the door won't open, the only other way I can imagine is looking around this area for some sort of clue, or tool--something to give us information or provide what we need to open it.] If there even was such a thing. But investigative work was all they really could do at this point, and would at least occupy their minds (and hopefully tempers) for a bit.


replicat November 13 2008, 07:07:42 UTC
Zetsu was right, and Mewtwo recognised it. [Very well] he conceded, turning to eye the arrangement of doors around them, doors he knew nothing about--what would constitute a clue in a case like this? The psychic simply didn't know, but knew it was the only rational solution. [We shall split up for now, then,] ...relatively speaking, since neither of them could go very far....


weeatbodies November 13 2008, 07:41:34 UTC
[Alright.] Zetsu nodded his acceptance, willing to let Mewtwo take charge of the operation. [We can each take a side, and meet in the bathroom when we're finished.] That seemed like a good enough method of exploration for now; it provided for them to cover more ground, and gave them a mutual ending point, since it was the only other central room in the wing. Their plan thus made, Zetsu turned his attention to the side opposite the one Mewtwo was considering, and began his search.


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