I Was Waiting on a Different Story [Closed, Complete]

May 10, 2009 09:10

Characters: Machi Tobaye, Kairi, possibly otherwise Open?
Setting: Grand Room
Time: Early Day 9
Summary: Machi did not hallucinate Kairi, surprise, surprise.
Warnings: None?

This time I'm mistaken )

!day 009, kairi (kingdom hearts), !complete, machi tobaye (ace attorney)

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Comments 18

heartsawakening May 13 2009, 02:29:52 UTC
Kairi had seen some weird things before, but the things she'd encountered so far in this house were by far the weirdest. It was even close to beating her heart getting stolen by little shadow creatures with glowing (burning) yellow eyes. There had been other things as well, like suddenly appearing on an island's shore one day when she was five, and the only thing she knew was her name. She had no idea where she had come from (but it was from another world, for sure) or who her parents were - if she had any at all. Nine years later, she woke up suddenly to see her friend, Sora, the one who had found her on the island, disappearing before her eyes. She was in a strange place (it was actually her home - the other world she had come from) with no memory, again, of what had happened while her heart was absent and her being rendered as a lifeless puppet ( ... )


machitobaye May 14 2009, 02:31:03 UTC
Machi heard her coming and had cracked one eye open, allowing just enough light in to track her movement across the room as an object, but not enough to make out any details or identifying specifics. She stopped, though, clearing her throat, and he shut it again before grudgingly opening both eyes, irritated and somewhat peeved by the interruption.

He immediately sat upright, his eyes widening the rest of the way as he stared at the red-haired girl in silence.


She was real?!He hardly remembered any details from their previous meeting, just the barest snatches, and given her extreme resemblances to Naminé, amplified in his memory by his poor coherence at the time, had dismissed her as another nonexistent hallucination, warped by his injury and pain. For all he knew, she still wasn't real and he was dreaming her up again ( ... )


heartsawakening May 17 2009, 00:11:16 UTC
She immediately came to a halt as soon as the boy shot up from his languid position on the piano bench, and took a step back in surprise. Her look of shock nearly matched his; she thought he'd been sleeping! Now she recognized him a bit more, especially when he spoke to her. It was the same voice, though not coated in exhausted confusion this time, and the same broken English.

"Yes." I hope I am, She thought, touching the bottom of her dress briefly to remind her that she wasn't seeing this incorrectly. Last time she had seen this boy, he had been so different . . . Maybe if she blinked she'd see the real him, the boy on the bed with the rotting limbs. But even when she closed her eyes, she still saw the boy, perfectly unharmed, and frowned.

"You got . . . better, I guess." That was an understatement.

"Who helped you?" She was curious who had the healing powers or means to rid him of his malady.


machitobaye May 17 2009, 03:30:57 UTC
Machi was not really willing to give her that information. He was not prepared to talk about personal events to what was possibly an empty room--or a false existence, he was still suspicious, his perception of her was still very guarded, biased--she was too much like the other one, the one he knew was real--he didn't trust anything--or anyone. Especially in this. He listened, staring at her as she answered--answered him, directly giving replies to a specific question, which none of the others, no one, nothing else had done, yet, which meant she was... maybe... possibly real? But then-- He narrowed his eyes, frowning slightly, then finally shifted, putting one hand on the side of the polished black bench and stabilised himself ( ... )


heartsawakening May 19 2009, 02:56:34 UTC
His questioning of her existence was not unusual, she supposed, because he had been in a delusional, exhausted state when they had last seen each other. Or, on Machi's part, barely seen. If he was asking Naminé this question - whether she was real or not - it would have been rather ironic, for even though he knew Naminé, she was not, in fact, technically 'real.' She was a Nobody, and Nobodies did not exist. She wasn't a figment of the imagination, however - she was an empty vessel instead, her heart dwelling in Kairi. Kairi was her Somebody, and so she was real, and human. It was all rather confusing - Kairi even struggled to understand it - and she doubted this boy would ever grasp it if he found out the truth ( ... )


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