So I had a guest column published on (M's blog) and I am quite pleased with myself.
I'm going to throw up a link because I need to shamelessly plug my writings even though I realize that none of you are actually interested in baseball. A bit of stat geek talk in it as well but whatever.
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Aug 21, 2006 17:24
I watched part of a documentery on the History Channel last night called "The Exodus Decoded". This is why I smile when people ask me (since I am a History major) if I like to watch that station's programming. The short answer is that about half of what you see on that channel these days is total bunk, about of another 3rd of the material has
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Aug 18, 2006 14:04
I got my course in the mail yesterday and I have almost completed one quarter of it, and I should be done with half of it by monday. The network is still down at school and music class still stumps me most of the time but at least I should be able to complete this class with enough time left over to actually pack up my stuff and move out west. Not
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Aug 15, 2006 21:57
I have a major superstition which seems more and more like intuition. Come on things, go right darn it.