Fandom Gives Back

Jun 28, 2010 16:14

I'm sure you're all very busy reading the wonderful nominees for the The Underdogs (right???), but I would love for you to take a break and come discuss something with me: Fandom Gives Back

Here's the blurb from their "About" page in case you haven't heard about it:

Welcome to The Fandom Gives Back, a Fandom-wide initiative, created to unite the ( Read more... )

discussion: fandom

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Comments 4

stretch June 28 2010, 22:46:20 UTC
Frankly, I don't participate because I have some serious issues with the legality (or lack thereof) of the situation. I know some other J/B people from places like the_gazebo and A Different Forest that participate, but only because those sites tend to contain an amalgamation of various shippers. Frankly, the J/B ship has been so ostracized by a large portion of the fandom, that we really keep to ourselves now in terms of fandom contests, fundraisers, etc. Otherwise there's just so much negativity from some of the more immature fans that it's not even worth it.


mellyfrisco6 June 29 2010, 08:01:20 UTC
I participated in the Support Stacie Auction, which is the same as FGB. It started because I was bored and I was browsing through all the auctions. Honestly, there was only one author who was willing to write Jacob/Bella. And even, she usually writes Jacob/Nessie but was willing to give a shot to Jacob/Bella if it was requested. I hate to admit it but I'm in love with her Jacob/Nessie fic (runs and hides ( ... )


i_lovedyoufirst June 29 2010, 13:55:49 UTC
I participated in the April Author Auction over at Support Stacie, and one of my four fics up for auction was J/B. If I had any suspicions that a cent of the money raised wasn't going to a fabulously good cause, that'd be it for me. Regardless of legality matters, I just see it as a really good cause and will probably keep participating unless someone comes to shut it down.


mellyfrisco6 June 30 2010, 11:25:05 UTC
You had a J/B fic for auction? I'm so sorry I didn't see it. I would have tried to win this one, too, if I'd known.


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