Fandom Gives Back

Jun 28, 2010 16:14

I'm sure you're all very busy reading the wonderful nominees for the The Underdogs (right???), but I would love for you to take a break and come discuss something with me: Fandom Gives Back

Here's the blurb from their "About" page in case you haven't heard about it:

Welcome to The Fandom Gives Back, a Fandom-wide initiative, created to unite the fans of the Twilight Saga and raise money for Alex's Lemonade Stand. ALSF is a children's cancer research foundation, borne from the vision of Alex Scott (1996-2004). In November of 2009, the worldwide Twilight community banded together to raise more than $87,000 in just 7 days! Join us this year for FGB: Eclipse, June 2010. We hope this sequel event will surpass our first inception and raise even more to help this important charity!

I believe the bidding opened up yesterday, and I spent a couple of minutes browsing through the Twific authors who were putting their services up for auction and some of the other things for sale.  I have a couple of questions:

Why are there so few J/B authors participating (I only recognized one or two)?  Did any of you consider giving it a go? And what are your thoughts on the whole fanfic charity auction to begin with?

I figure the lack of J/B authors has to do with it's organization. Whoever runs it and wherever it's advertised are probably Edward-leaning people and places. When this is paired with the fact that Edward-fic is more popular (and therefore more profitable) I'm not really surprised by the ratio demonstrated on the site. But I do feel like they're missing out on a good part of the Twific market.

As far as the auction concept goes, I'm kind of wary. I think it's great that the fandom wants to raise money for cancer research. It's an amazing cause. But I don't like the idea of money being made off characters that belong to Stephanie Meyer and not  to the people selling the stories. Fanfiction is illegal (I don't agree with the law, but that's a discussion we've had before) even when you're NOT making money off of it, so imagine the implications when you are? Again, I know the money is going to a great cause, but unless Smeyer has officially endorsed the auction, I wont be participating (buying or selling).


discussion: fandom

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