Just curious

Sep 02, 2010 23:04

How many WIPs are you following at the moment? Are they all Twilight? All J/B ( Read more... )

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Comments 18

likexaxdove September 3 2010, 04:54:02 UTC
Usually I avoid WIP's like the plague until they're finished are almost finished. That way if I read it and start to get drawn in I don't have to come to a stopping point and then have to wait for an update like everyone else.

The only WIP fic that I'm following right now that's actually updated regularly is a Rose/Scorpius fic, and those updates are sporadic.

I've also noticed that whenever I add a story onto my 'Alerts' or decide that "Hey, I'm going to follow this fic!", then the author immedialtly stops updating. And then never updates again. So yeah, I've had rotten luck.


likexaxdove September 3 2010, 04:56:22 UTC
The only WIP fic that I'm following right now that's actually updated regularly is a Rose/Scorpius fic, and those updates are sporadic.

Well that was a nice little contradiction right there. Please ignore me, I've been reading Zutara fic for the past couple of hours or so and my brain is all full and tired.


majestamoniet September 3 2010, 12:20:10 UTC
See, I don't have a the patience to wait for a story to finish before reading it. But maybe I should because if I only read completed stories, my "to read" list would be A LOT smaller. That will be new thing: don't start a story that isn't completed.

We'll see how long this new resolves lasts. lol.

Hey, is the Avatar fic out there pretty good?


likexaxdove September 3 2010, 20:43:30 UTC
Avatar fic (or Zuko/Katara fic, rather) is either a hit or miss. I did the thing that you should not do, which is start off with what seems to be the Holy Grail of all Zutara fics. It's Stormbenders by Fandomme and it's one of the best fanfictions I've ever read. It's really well thought out with a nice mixture of action, romance, and humor (including some epic use of innuendo). Plus it's set during Season 3, after Zuko has joined up with the Avatar, which is my favorite time frame. So yeah, I definitely recommend that one. Unfortunately it's spoiled me and I haven't found another fic that's matched it yet. I've had trouble finding a story where Zuko is not totally OOC. Katara and Aang as well, now that I think about it.

You're going to strangle me, but I already have my own Zutara fic planned out as soon as I finish up all my J/B stories I have going on.


audreyii_fic September 3 2010, 12:47:51 UTC
At the moment, the only author for whom I'd follow around and harass and, if necessary, stomp on in order to get more chapters is likexaxdove for "Unimpressed."

That being said, I'm keeping a quiet eye on sfiddy's Sublimation, Aspirations of Whimsey's Body Chemistry, and artbeatsandlife's The Neighbor: Anytime, Anyplace. Those are just pleasant surprises to me when they get updated (which they all are with some degree of regularity, at least at the moment); I don't wait with baited breath.

Unless there's a promised and committed update schedule, I don't let myself get too personally involved with WIPs. That way lies heartbreak. And no, I'm not fooling around with any other fandoms at this exact moment in time, the last thing I need is to start writing more. (In a few months I might take a little time and find some "LOST TOTALLY DID NOT END LIKE THAT I HATE YOU ALL" fics to soothe the ache.)


majestamoniet September 3 2010, 16:18:38 UTC
Lost was the most confusing show ever. I was really into it for the first season and then I just got sick of not having any resolution. I did however watch the series finale and thought it was a total cop out. I'm guessing you feel the same way.


audreyii_fic September 3 2010, 17:00:27 UTC
The first season of LOST was some of the finest television I've ever seen. But then, in the second season, it stopped being about my favorite part -- trying to survive on an island without a bunch of supplies -- and just became about... I'm not even sure. Once they slaughtered the Sawyer/Kate dynamic in third season, I was done.


channings September 3 2010, 20:46:59 UTC
At the moment, the only author for whom I'd follow around and harass and, if necessary, stomp on in order to get more chapters is [info]likexaxdove for "Unimpressed."

THIS, but I would also follow audreyii_fic around. :)


exquisite_ugly September 3 2010, 17:02:48 UTC
I think about 15 on alert through FFn. Following Unimpressed on LJ. But the ones on FFn, I think maybe a whole 4 or 5 are still updating? *sigh*

I know lives can get hectic, but I really try pretty hard to stick to my schedules. I usually give myself two weeks give or take a couple days to update. Unless something big or bad happens ::crosses fingers for no bad:: Had that happen in Feb, don't want it again.

It's a bummer to start one and then they stop or it takes a long time.


channings September 3 2010, 20:48:17 UTC
Right now, I'm only waiting on likexaxdove's "Unimpressed". I wish I had more to wait for. :(


ferebsy September 4 2010, 10:30:18 UTC
bluesuzanne's IF YOU TWIST AND TURN AWAY!!!


jacobsgrrrl September 8 2010, 13:51:22 UTC
THIS! I'm dying to find out what happened. The way the last chapter ended...


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