Just curious

Sep 02, 2010 23:04

How many WIPs are you following at the moment? Are they all Twilight? All J/B?

How often is it that you have an update to read? One a day? One a week? One a month?

Right now I'm following five stories. Three J/B  (I had to flounce the E/B one I was reading *sigh*). And two Jace/Clary stories (Mortal Intruments). Five stories and I'm lucky to get an update every other week. *head desk*  Normally this isn't a problem because I'm busy writing, but now I'm not writing. But I'm too drained atm to invest in a new story (even though I have a mile long list of J/B stories to read).

Yes, that was useless whining on my part. What about you ladies?

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