Alrighty, I'm back alive. It's around x-mas time again, and I'm doing well. Don't worry aboot(Canadia r funni) me! Uhm, baby is growing up nicely. He'll be 2 on January the 17th and I'll be 21('bout freakin' time) on Dec 23rd
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Since my last update it has been 6 and a half months... yes... it seems like a long time, but it really isn't. My baby is growing up and has 6 teeth now and can feed himself if you give him toast or a banana or a chicken nugget or something like that. It's cool being a dad. Maybe some of you people I know back home(my heart lies on the ground
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Well a couple of days ago (more like a few) I got Pokemon Diamond... Today I beat the Elite Four+1... and I only used 15 revives and 30 hyper potions...... lol. Well that's all I did today besides go to the zoo...and look at aminals.... and... play with Nathan...he's so cute... Look at pictures of him on my Myspace... he's freakin cute...and so is
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Hello everyone. Been forever since I last updatededed and stuffs. so... what to say what to about how I have since turned 19... had a baby(well not me but my wife :) ) and all that good stuff. But hello to everyone who reads 2-3 people...if that maybe. Lawl...yes...Lawl...with an AWL! not an OL. Because OL is dumb and I don't
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On january 25th...approx. Nathan Alexander Moore will be born and raised into the air by me while all the animals kneel down and are happy... :) No I think I should let the monkey do the raising... :) After all. This is pride rock and all. ROAR! I AM A LION!