Christmas on the Closed Ward

Mar 10, 2005 11:59

Chapter Twenty Three

Catching up a little!

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Comments 34

gillieweed March 10 2005, 23:08:22 UTC
Hermione - ??? I can’t think of anything special enough…A dolphin? They’re pretty smart. A wise owl?

A hyena?


[Insert comment about how long your posts are here...] jollityfarm March 10 2005, 23:52:49 UTC
More of the interesting colour juxtaposition

Never mind that, I'm still pondering how natural it sounds for Harry to think of his own eyes as "vivid" green, rather than just green. For a start, we all know what colour Harry's eyes are because it is frequently mentioned (every little sprinkling of words that could easily have been cut all adds up), but who thinks of their own eyes as "vivid"? I mean, maybe I jus jellus because my eyes are a kind of murky blue, but I can't help getting shades of "he might have been losing his boyish good looks".

No shades of grey, you're inherently Evil (‘tainted’) and need to be harmed, or Good (‘innocent’) and need to be protected/saved, even from yourself.

I believe we just had this discussion on my livejournal :/ I do hope that certain people are not about to come over and define evil for us again

That would be such a wicked plotline. Why even suggest it, JKR?Harry's wangst (no matter which Harry ship you like, the only true Harry OTP is Harry/Wangst) fairly depends on being shunned, or ( ... )


I know, I know, I'm sorry. Just trying to recreate the feeling of 'OMG WHEN WILL THIS *END*?!!!' ;) merrymelody March 11 2005, 09:26:46 UTC
For a start, we all know what colour Harry's eyes are because it is frequently mentioned, but who thinks of their own eyes as "vivid"?

Oh, I'm sure they're cat-shaped and emerald, too. With sparkly stars in the middle, like Barbie.
I'm imagining them looking like the horribly photoshopped ones they have on HP merchandise, the kind no-one really has. Because those are unusual and special. Like Harry. And Lily. Their eye colour indicates their moral character and importance.

no matter which Harry ship you like, the only true Harry OTP is Harry/Wangst

I'm also fond of Harry/Horrible Grisly Death.

Mercifully, nobody in canon can learn that skill.

I like how, post OotP, there's all these thoughts about how it's been 'heavily hinted' that Harry could master this skill (on top of being the Heir of Gryffindor/Quidditch captain/DADA professor too, I hope!) since:
A) his hair grows quickly
B) he thinks it sounds interesting.
Gosh, that describes me, OMG, I'm a Metawhatsit!

HERMIONE: Wait...what's that folorn and pathetic object in the ( ... )


Re: I know, I know, I'm sorry. Just trying to recreate the feeling of 'OMG WHEN WILL THIS *END*?!!!' jollityfarm March 11 2005, 16:55:39 UTC
Harry's eyes are probably "almond-shaped", as his mother's were. Which is to say, eye-shaped - but "almond" is a pretty word, I suppose. Brazil-nut shaped might have been just as accurate, but wouldn't have been quite the same.

I'm also fond of Harry/Horrible Grisly Death.

Ah, but Harry/Wangst is canon :)

Regarding Harry as Metamorphmagus, I thought it was made quite plain that Harry's hair thing at the beginning of PS was to do with his untapped magic potential, much as Neville's window-bounce was. But Why not give him a speshul power on top of him being just generally speshul anyway?


Re: I know, I know, I'm sorry. Just trying to recreate the feeling of 'OMG WHEN WILL THIS *END*?!!!' sistermagpie March 11 2005, 16:59:22 UTC
Is that why people think Harry's one of those? I remember once reading a remark where somebody said canon "heavily hinted" that Harry was one and I thought, wtf? Where has that ever been hinted? If it's his hair-growing then no, I don't think that counts.


Part two. jollityfarm March 11 2005, 00:21:22 UTC
I’ve never really gotten why everyone in these books cares so much if people think they’re cowardly.

Presumably, Rowling thinks this is the very worst characteristic one could posess. Me, I'm with Rincewind - I'd rather people said "She is a coward" rather than "She was a hero". This is probably Evil :(

Should we excuse all characters behaviour on these grounds?
James and Sirius were only teenagers, after all. So are Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle. And Marietta. Teenagers can apparently become Death Eaters.
And what if Umbridge is going through the change?! ;) OMG HORMONES!11This is very true. Nobody else gets a free pass for being miserable and hormonal. Marietta's hormones might well have prevented her from thinking clearly (which is to say, might well have prevented her from realising that the whole world revolves around Harry). But no, everyone else has to watch their behaviour, but Harry gets a free pass because "don't you remember what being a teenager was like ( ... )


Re: Part two. merrymelody March 11 2005, 09:47:10 UTC
Me, I'm with Rincewind - I'd rather people said "She is a coward" rather than "She was a hero".

Hahahaha. Who is Rincewind, though? His ideas are interesting, and I would like to subscribe to his newsletter (is it a Terry Pratchett character? Just judging from the name.)

He seemed rather childish in previous books, but I love the way he's turned into one of those boys that hangs around on street corners smoking and being all adolescent.

Yes, and it's funnier that he has the history of being a babyish public school brat who can cry on demand. Oh, Dudley, you're so complex with your sexy reinvention of yourself...*swoons*
*imagines JKR's head exploding at this*

I think the closest we'll come to it in actual canon is that someone in Hermione's family will be in danger, but saved and taken to a magical place of safety. While there, they can forget about danger and marvel at all the spangly magic.Ugh. Yeah, that's a thought. Then Hermione can briefly check in on them amongst her Very Important Duties, and be amused at how they're ( ... )


Re: Part two. jollityfarm March 11 2005, 17:04:06 UTC
Rincewind is a Discworld character, yes. The most inept wizard on the Disc, and an unabashed coward. An attitude to live by, to be sure :0

Oh, Dudley, you're so complex with your sexy reinvention of yourself...*swoons*
*imagines JKR's head exploding at this*

Hahahahahaha. Dudley is sexy :D So...who wants to teach a boy from a single-sex boarding school about girls? Or maybe he's not into girls. Maybe it's all go in his dorm. Fanfiction has nothing on Smeltings.

Then Hermione can briefly check in on them amongst her Very Important Duties, and be amused at how they're like excitable children over things that are mundane to her.

"Oh mum, it's just a painting! There's no need to be all...silly!" Probably a metaphor for how, like, totally embarassing your parents are with all their not knowing about things they're not familliar with.


Re: Part two. merrymelody March 11 2005, 17:44:37 UTC
Dudley has his gang. And his stick. And he's quick to make homophobic jokes.
*comes to own conclusion*


Part three :o jollityfarm March 11 2005, 01:10:34 UTC
I can only see one other interpretation, which is that she's pretty damn cold. ‘On with actual important business, like you, Harry, and less chitter-chatter about my Muggles.’

The Robot strikes! :D

And of course, everyone's talking about him 24/7! You wish. Except as always with Harry, his self-centredness is always proved right: 'We were talking about you, nicely, because we all love you so much, and think of nothing but you!'

I love the way Harry pretends he hates being stared at. Although I've said it many times before, I still assert it: if Harry were to find out that he was not the subject of the prophesy after all (my guess is that it refers to both Harry and Neville, actually), he'd be utterly devastated. We'd watch out for phrases such as "So, that was it. All he'd fought for, all he'd been had been a lie." and make gleeful note of them when they came up. Not to mention Harry's angsting that nobody will like him now he's not speshul and his inner criticisms of Neville who has suddenly become all up-himself.

he ( ... )


Re: Part three :o merrymelody March 11 2005, 09:41:04 UTC
If Harry were to find out that he was not the subject of the prophesy after all (my guess is that it refers to both Harry and Neville, actually), he'd be utterly devastated.

ITA. Harry reminds me very much of Buffy Summers, the 'hero' in my last fandom, and there was indeed an episode devoted to her thinking she wasn't 'the One marked in prophecies, etc.' in which she was all 'Wah, but what makes me special?! Will everyone like my replacement better ( ... )


Re: Buffy pacoman March 11 2005, 14:24:31 UTC
If you're speaking of the episode I think (What's My Line, Part 2), Buffy's angst remained at an all-time low for like three episodes, after which her boyfriend lost his soul, went evil, and eventually gave her a trump card to win all moral arguments with.

That Angel, always having his girlfriends' best interests at heart.


Re: Buffy merrymelody March 11 2005, 14:27:37 UTC
Oh, I was thinking of Helpless, but yeah, you're right! She bratted about that issue quite frequently. Iirc, it came up again in Faith, Hope and Trick...
Was never a big fan of Buffy the character very much, as you can probably guess, and I never really had any time for Angel, either, or their Big Dramatic Tortured Love Affair.


mctabby March 11 2005, 01:57:32 UTC
Harry/Bellatrix, OTP!!!111

Word! <333 The S.S. Premature Cruciatus sails on.


merrymelody March 11 2005, 09:47:51 UTC
Ha! What a great name for it.


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